Trump to pick former Georgia governor for Agriculture secretary – IOTW Report

Trump to pick former Georgia governor for Agriculture secretary

WaEx: President-elect Trump has selected former Gov. Sonny Perdue, R-Ga., to head up the Agriculture Department, according to multiple reports Wednesday evening.

Trump is expected to formally announce his pick on Thursday, making it the last position to be filled in his Cabinet.

Perdue, 70, is a former veterinarian and served on Trump’s agricultural advisory committee during the campaign.

He was the first Republican elected to his position since Reconstruction and was re-elected in 2006, indicating he may have an easier time  MORE

16 Comments on Trump to pick former Georgia governor for Agriculture secretary

  1. Getting RID of EBT should be his highest priority.

    5# flour.
    5# corn meal.
    5# oats.
    1 doz. eggs.
    1 gal. milk.
    1 lb. beans.
    1 lb. rice.
    1 lb. of meat.

    Per Week. PERIOD.
    Sell or trade – get nothing.
    Distribution contingent on passing drug test – if you got money for dope, ya got money for food.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. How about we get rid of the USDA? This is another ripoff and scam. Its roots go back >100 years when we were mainly an agrarian country and farmers needed help with advice on crop types, plowing, soil erosion, animal husbandry. Today, it exists to take gobs of taxpayer $$$$$$ and give it to big agribusiness — like the Perdue Company. This agency has over 100,000 employees and there are USDA staff all over the country right now sitting on their butts, listening to the radio, doing sweet FA other than explaining ridiculous red tape on how to get taxpayer money, and pulling in a GS salary, benefits, and pension. This is a force on par w the military, big pharma, and AARP. It needs to be dismantled!!! Nothing but a huge ripoff. I am not sure that Sonny Perdue is the guy to do it, he and his company have feathered their next with USDA/taxpayer $$$ for decades. This is part of the swamp that needs to be DRAINED.

  3. I like this choice, but I think someone in agri business would’ve been a better choice. Someone like Sonny Beck. This is such a yuge department with so much potential to get rid of govt waste. Cant wait till Trump cleans house!

  4. Wonder what the chances of someone ‘pantsing’ Obama before he leaves.
    I mean that would be the best.
    He is standing there and someone just pulls his pants down.
    Exposing his pink panties.

  5. @Tim, nearly all recipients of EBT would have no clue what to do with those items!
    You might as well give them an iPod with obama’s monthly speeches (sustenance for their soul? lol)

  6. Agree w/comments on EBT/USDA.
    In other news: switching between Rick Perry & Mnuchin hearings, Perry, bless his heart he’s nervous and I think wants so much to impress, but the gotcha Sen from HI asked about several depts announced this morning that Trump wants to cut from DOE, and he said, “I hope whoever said that will forget about it”. I could kick him! And if he says one more time he agrees climate change is man made I’m gonna scream.

  7. @Buck; I just read Sonny Perdue’s bio and there’s no mention of the Perdue Agribusiness and I would have thought if he had been related to it they writers would have mentioned it. He became a vet and practiced that before starting three small business’s. I think it’s either a completely different family or so far distant as to be a non-issue.
    Anyway, he seems like a decent guy (he switched from Democrat to Republican in 1998) and ought to make a good SecAg.
    The one think I’m a little surprised about as Trump finishes up his cabinet and agency choices is that Sarah Palin wasn’t included. Maybe she was asked and declined to re-enter the target sights which I would understand but if that’s not the case I find it hard to believe that Trump couldn’t (or perhaps wouldn’t) find a place for someone that arguably was so central to the forming of the political entity(the Tea Party) and an environment that demanded change in Washington that was instrumental in Trumps election.

  8. The Department of Ag is nothing but a gigantic welfare distributor. And I’m not just talking about EBT, I’m talking about subsidies to farmers as well. I grew up on a farm and I have tons of respect for farmers, but this department is nothing but bloat.

  9. The only connection between Sonny Perdue and chicken that I’m aware of is that he is a chicken-shit bastard. As governor of GA, Perdue proved himself many times over to be a spineless, lying, oath-violating, self-serving, corrupt piece of pig shit, so to some small extent I can see where Trump might have misguidedly appointed him as Secretary of Agriculture.

    Although I’m not one to trust the press in most cases, this article has some verifiable information on why his reputation isn’t that good in GA even among conservatives (and I have a little personal history having to deal with his office as governor and my experience is reflected in the opinion I stated above).

    Trump got some very bad advice on this pick and I am thoroughly disappointed that Sonny Perdue has anything to do with being in government again at any level – he belongs behind bars.

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