Trump To Rally For Ted Cruz In The ‘Biggest Stadium In Texas’ – IOTW Report

Trump To Rally For Ted Cruz In The ‘Biggest Stadium In Texas’


President Donald Trump endorsed Republican Sen. Ted Cruz on Friday and announced he will make a trip to Texas to rally on Cruz’s behalf.

“I will be doing a major rally for Senator Ted Cruz in October. I’m picking the biggest stadium in Texas,” Trump tweeted. “As you know, Ted has my complete and total Endorsement. His opponent is a disaster for Texas – wear on Second Amendment, Crime, Borders, Military, and Vets!”

The senator gladly accepted Trump’s endorsement and welcomed him to Texas.

“Terrific!” Cruz tweeted. “Texas will be glad to see you.”  more here


14 Comments on Trump To Rally For Ted Cruz In The ‘Biggest Stadium In Texas’

  1. I’m 5 hours away; might go myself.

    Hey, Fur, we talked once about having a meet’n’greet some time—-why not try to get several readers together for this event? It would be nice to put some faces with names.

  2. The BIG story no one is covering is how Republicans are rushing to be seen with Donald Trump.

    Leading up to the 2016 election they couldn’t get far enough away. Now they know it’s the key to winning — in an off year election that traditionally goes AGAINST the incumbent president.

    Forget the polls that undersample republicans and tell you Trump’s unpopular. The only thing politicians care about is getting re-elected and they know Trump is the tide that will carry them safely to shore. Everything else is noise.

  3. Reminds me of this joke. The traveling salesmen from New York makes his first trip to Texas. The salesman finds a nice hotel and decides to have dinner in the hotel restaurant. The salesman is seated and the waitress asks if he would like anything to drink. Yes replied the salesman I would like a short draft beer. The waitress returns with a 24oz mug of beer. The salesman says I ordered a short beer! The waitress replied that is a short beer you see everything in Texas is big. So the waitress asks if he was ready to order the salesman says he would like the petite steak medium rare. The waitress returns with a huge steak hanging over the side of the plate. Salesman says I ordered the petite steak! Waitress says That is the petite steak everything in Texas is big! So the salesman is finishing up the beer and now he has to use the men’s restroom and asks the waitress directions. She says you go down the hallway and turn right well the salesman was a little bit drunk and turned left and fell into the pool and you could hear the salesman yelling “Don’t flush it ! “

  4. Buster and Oplease if you go no matter how big the place is get there early and do not take any thing with you that you don’t want to have taken by the SS,pocket knives,guns,ect.Just take your ticket and ID,they will take anything else.

  5. Ann Coulter on Rush’s program the other day when asked by Rush: “What do you think Trump should do to help the Republicans win in November?” She said “his staff should set aside the next 3 months and Trump does nothing but rallies!” I think Ann is right and Trump is probably taking the advice.

  6. My birthday is coming up and PDJT is coming to our state next week for a fundraiser. Its only $5000 to get my picture taken with him and but dont have that kind of money.
    My friend and his wife are going and is getting his pic with him. Hes 34 and is willing to spend 5K to do this.

    He suggested I start a go fund me.

  7. Geoff C. The Saltine September 1, 2018 at 9:47 am

    Buster and Oplease if you go no matter how big the place is get there early and do not take any thing with you that you don’t want to have taken by the SS,pocket knives,guns,ect.Just take your ticket and ID,they will take anything else.

    Yeah, that stuff is for the rioters outside anyway..

  8. Charlie WalksonWater September 1, 2018 at 11:15 am

    My birthday is coming up and PDJT is coming to our state next week for a fundraiser. Its only $5000 to get my picture taken with him and but dont have that kind of money.
    My friend and his wife are going and is getting his pic with him. Hes 34 and is willing to spend 5K to do this.

    He suggested I start a go fund me.

    Do it.

    I’ll contribute.


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