Trump To Receive First Intel Briefing – IOTW Report

Trump To Receive First Intel Briefing

DML: As the Republican nominee, Donald Trump is scheduled to receive his first classified intelligence briefing regarding security issues and threats to the United States.

The briefing is set to take place on Wednesday, likely at the FBI field office in New York, confirmed Fox News.   It will be led by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, will last about an hour or more, and could be quite detailed.


Sources say Trump will be accompanied by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn – both who spoke at the Republican National Convention.

Throughout Trump’s campaign, he has been hammered on all sides as someone who lacks foreign policy experience and accused of having no understanding of global concerns and global relations.

However, Trump’s foreign policy speech Monday was described as the “most important foreign policy speech since Ronald Reagan.”

At a campaign rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania Monday, Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton and Vice-President Joe Biden both tore into Trump as someone who can’t be trusted and isn’t fit or qualified to be commander-in-chief.

Biden declared Trump shouldn’t be trusted to know the nuclear codes – then he himself turned around in front of the whole crowd and pointed out a secret service agent who he said has the nuclear codes.


And I’m sure you remember when Joe did this:

biden village idiot

16 Comments on Trump To Receive First Intel Briefing

  1. Glad he’s not going in alone. I don’t want to hear a bunch of bullshit from MSNBC, about some unnamed “expert” claiming Trumped bitched about not being able to use nukes.

  2. There aren’t any nuclear codes, that’s a made up by Hollywood term for having the ability to authorize a nuclear attack. However, there are potentially codes or passwords used by the people who actually deploy the munitions for dual/triple/quadruple authentication. There is no way Zer0 would ever need to pull a card out of his wallet and enter a sequence.

  3. “Throughout Trump’s campaign, he has been hammered on all sides as someone who lacks foreign policy experience and accused of having no understanding of global concerns and global relations.”

    This is the one thing that sticks most in my craw. If we have been electing the most experienced foreign policy and global relations experts then how in the hell did we get into this mess? This is the most asinine argument there is against Trump.

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