Trump To Replace Liberal Lion Of The Ninth Circuit – IOTW Report

Trump To Replace Liberal Lion Of The Ninth Circuit

DC: Fearing a conservative jurist would replace Judge Stephen Reinhardt, the liberal lion of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, a prominent progressive legal scholar quietly urged him to retire in the spring of 2014.

U.C. Berkeley School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky approached Reinhardt just months before the 2014 midterm elections and suggested he retire, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Reinhardt refused the overtures. Months later, Republicans assumed control of the Senate, effectively ending former President Barack Obama’s judicial confirmations. President Donald Trump’s election forced the judge into an awkward actuarial battle, an increasingly common phenomenon as judicial appointments become highly politicized. He died on March 29 at 87. more here

15 Comments on Trump To Replace Liberal Lion Of The Ninth Circuit

  1. This will just balance out the left forcing one of the few honorable Constitutional judges, Alex Kozinski, off the 9th circuit a few months ago. The left created a totally bogus MeToo scandal to get him to resign so another far left weasel could be inserted.

    It was a disgusting thing to do to this respected and honorable man. (He is personally known to me)

  2. That is good. We need some conservative activist judges to get back some of the lost ground. Just keeping position doesn’t get us anywhere in the long run.

  3. FTA, “…his ideas had little purchase at the Supreme Court. The justices overturned 24 of the 25 Reinhardt rulings they reviewed.”

    Sounds like the perfect liberal jurists. Wasting the courts’ time and the peoples’ money with feel good decision.

  4. “Lion of the Ninth Circuit”

    Gimmee a fukkin break. The nihilists are ate up with that “cult of personality” bullshit. More likely the “Lyin of the Ninth Circuit” and a self-serving nihilistic totalitarian socialist maggot, to boot. A fukkin parasitic lawyer who lived off the suffering of his friends and neighbors.

    He’s dead. The world’s a marginally better place.
    Find a cabbage, or a rotten melon, and replace him.
    Or a balloon with a face drawn on it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. One of our biggest problems is the infestation of these idiots into the court system. It’s their intention to bog the system down and overload it with their rulings. They’re true purpose is to cause as much disruption as possible. There needs to be a more efficient way to get rid of these swine. A big help would be the congress but that ain’t happening.

  6. Once again it boils down to arrogance on behalf of the

    libtards…When asked to step aside He chose not to…

    Perhaps thinking Hilldog was a “chew” in…or maybe He

    was unable to let go of the Power associated with the

    position…Either way spells “Winning” for Us.


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