Trump trolls Congress members with Christmas ‘gifts’ Dems don’t seem to appreciate – IOTW Report

Trump trolls Congress members with Christmas ‘gifts’ Dems don’t seem to appreciate

Dems were angry, agitated, confused and conspiratorial. You know, like how they normally are.


President Donald Trump certainly knows how to celebrate Christmas.

In celebration of Christmas — or “impeachmas,” as House Democrats and their shamelessly partisan left-wing media allies now call it — the president chose to troll House and Senate Democrats alike with a very merry gift.

The gift, as reported by annoyed Democrats, consisted of a package containing a copy of the impeachment letter that the president wrote to Pelosi earlier this week.

Also included were reportedly two Christmas cards — a large 16×12 White House card, and a smaller one. read more

15 Comments on Trump trolls Congress members with Christmas ‘gifts’ Dems don’t seem to appreciate

  1. Excuse me:

    “It’s the same six-page screed where the president just goes off the deep end, making up his own universe — fact-free universe,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen complained in a video that he shared to Twitter when the cards arrived Wednesday afternoon.

    In reality, the president’s letter just outlined some of the indisputable facts about the Democrats’ impeachment efforts and the “woefully inadequate” evidence they’ve used to justify it. (endquote)

    Again the demorats think they have the market cornered on facts and truth. Any sane rational person (i.e. a deplorable one perhaps) would say the facts support the President.

    Merry Christmas you filthy animals.

    This will an invaluable memento, a snapshot of history, a reminder of these turbulent times.
    Especially when it comes time to smack down a DildoCrat, while you shout, “YOU DID THIS TO MEEEEEEEE!!”

  3. Dear Santa,
    All I want for Christmas is a button that, when I push it, will cause every democrat/liberal/progressive/socialist/communist/rino politician to drop dead.
    We’ll talk about the media another day.

  4. Its not facts but the lack thereof that dems can’t seem to understand. Everything they thought they had proved false and yet they pushed forward on nothing more than personal distaste. TDS is real.. but it’s no basis to proceed on what is clearly a contrived set of charges.

  5. mickey moussaoui
    DECEMBER 19, 2019 AT 4:19 PM
    “I myself would of sent brownies shaped like dog turds.”

    …I would MUCH rather send a dog turd shaped like a brownie, just sayin’…

  6. When Clinton was impeached, not one Senator even bothered to look at the evidence amassed by the House impeachment managers. Not one. It was the biggest example of jury nullification in history.

    Now, the House has no evidence for the Senate to look at, even if they want to. When the Senate votes to keep Trump in office, it will NOT be jury nullification; it will be just.


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