Trump Tweets He’s Suspending All Immigration Over Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Trump Tweets He’s Suspending All Immigration Over Coronavirus

Newsmax: President Donald Trump tweeted Monday night he will temporarily suspend all immigration to the United States over coronavirus concerns.

“In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” Trump tweeted.

Bloomberg News reported that the White House did not respond to questions about the time frame of the suspension or who would be affected.

AP similarly reported late Monday night that the president offered no details as to what immigration programs might be affected by the order. The White House did not immediately elaborate on Trump’s tweeted announcement.

Due to the pandemic, almost all visa processing by the State Department, including immigrant visas, has been suspended for weeks. read more

SNIP: Sounds like he’s doing two things at once. One being trolling Pelosi.

17 Comments on Trump Tweets He’s Suspending All Immigration Over Coronavirus

  1. Brilliant. While the left is arguing passionately to keep us locked down, let them also argue passionately for foreigners to roam freely in America. I love this guy Trump.

  2. Of all the great things Trump has done this might be the best. This country does not need any more immigrants. We are full and need to take care of our own citizens.


    The country is racist, sexist, homophobic. Trump is doing all of them a favor by keeping them out. I guess they were naively unaware—WHEW! Crisis averted, you’re welcome immigrants! Now go back home and make your own countries great again, we are FULL and broke, don’t need ‘ya.

  4. Hopefully He’s also overfilling our strategic oil reserves with crude that, right now, the Saudi’s have to PAY US to take off their hands.
    Just making lemonade out of lemons, folks, while the dembulbs just make lemons.

  5. @CC
    APRIL 21, 2020 AT 9:04 AM:
    Which brings up the question: why, when the price of oil is in negative territory, are we still adding ethanol to gasoline? President Trump should order ethanol production diverted to antiseptic use and stop diluting our gasoline.

  6. @CC:

    Hopefully He’s also overfilling our strategic oil reserves with crude that, right now, the Saudi’s have to PAY US to take off their hands.

    Only until 1:30 this afternoon. That’s when the May futures expire. I’m most interested in seeing what happens to June futures over the coming weeks.

    It sure would be great if President Trump could buy negatively priced May futures to top off the strategic reserves.


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