Trump tweets that he will greet Pompeo bringing North Korean hostages home at Andrews at 2 AM – IOTW Report

Trump tweets that he will greet Pompeo bringing North Korean hostages home at Andrews at 2 AM

American Thinker: Not only is the rescue of three hostages from captivity in North Korea an excellent sign for the coming meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un over ending the nuclear program of the rogue state, but it is a diplomatic triumph for the president coming on the heels of his historic decision to junk the JCPOA deal with Iran. details here


9 Comments on Trump tweets that he will greet Pompeo bringing North Korean hostages home at Andrews at 2 AM

  1. I’m in Chicago tonight and just had my picture taken with my thumbs up, and Trump Tower in the background. A few people noticed but couldn’t tell if they approved or not. I approved!

  2. I’m surprised that other guy who lived in the WH didn’t take a selfie with a returning flag-draped casket. That’s the only time I knew of him being at Andrews, when he and Killery stood at a podium and lied to the Benghazi victims’ families.


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