Trump: Unarmed Civilians Are ‘Sitting Ducks’ – IOTW Report

Trump: Unarmed Civilians Are ‘Sitting Ducks’


President Donald Trump said on June 5 that unarmed civilians are “sitting ducks” by obeying laws that prevent carrying guns for self-defense.

“When somebody has a gun illegally and nobody else has a gun because the laws are that you can’t have a gun, those people are gone,” Trump told “Good Morning Britain’s” Piers Morgan during an interview that covered a range of gun control topics.

“They have no chance,” he added.

12 Comments on Trump: Unarmed Civilians Are ‘Sitting Ducks’

  1. For most politicians (Trump being an exception), the only crimes they care are the ones they themselves commit. That’s why they want an unarmed populace. They don’t care about our safety, they only care about keeping themselves safe from us.

  2. Went to the accompanying twitter site to watch the video and catch the tea drinkers from across the ponds comments. While they’re bad-mouthing the americans with the guns I couldn’t help but find irony in the fact that twice in one century those nasty americans had to come over there with their nasty guns to pull their asses out of the fire. Assholes!

  3. Those with guns rule those without guns.

    Makes no difference if the rule is political, homicidal, or criminal, the ones with the guns rule the ones without them.

    It’s actually that simple.

  4. When the Brits needed guns after the army was rescued from France, they had to confiscate Flintlocks from as far back as the 1600’s \to use for drill.
    There were a lot of brooms and just plain sticks used as pretend weapons’.

  5. Unfortunately, in that same interview, he said he would consider a law that banned “silencers”; rumor has it that the Florida shooter from last week (remember him?) used a suppressor on his 45, as if that somehow made it more deadly.

  6. No matter where in the world you live, when seconds count, the police are minutes away. And their job is not to protect the citizens, but to process the crime scene and investigate your murder.

  7. Yeah Tony R, I caught that too.

    Let’s hope his ruminations don’t metastasize into the same blatant unconstitutionality he rolled out, after Las Vegas & Stoneman Douglas, supporting 4th/5th Amendment violations. All masterfully disguised as Red Flag laws and Bump Stock bans.



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