Trump unloads on media and big tech, announces rally in Georgia – IOTW Report

Trump unloads on media and big tech, announces rally in Georgia

PML: President Trump gave a Thanksgiving address from the Oval Office to the troops, Thursday, discussing alleged election fraud that occurred in key swing states as well as announcing a Saturday rally in Georgia.

President Trump expressed his certainty that the 2020 election was rigged against him.

“It was a rigged election, 100%,” he said. “This election was a fraud.”

“I won that by hundreds of thousands of votes, everybody knows that. You go down the streets and there were Trump, Pence signs all over the place,” The President said.  

The President told a reporter, when asked, that he would in fact leave the White House if the Electoral College elected Joe Biden.

“If the Electoral College does elect President-elect Joe Biden, are you not going to leave this building?” a reporter asked Trump. more

16 Comments on Trump unloads on media and big tech, announces rally in Georgia

  1. They assholes all ask Trump if he will leave if the electoral college goes to Biden, but none of them ask the guy with the ridiculous PE Seal if he will concede should the fraud render him the loser, and none of them ask him if he will take Hillary’s advice to never concede. Of course, I don’t know when they’d ask Joe anything, what with the knee pads and ball gags they’re all sporting when they come to hear him sTuTTeR.

  2. This isn’t the entire story. I would urge everyone to listen to the entire interview. Trump also said a lot can happen between now and Jan 20th and time was tight on the electoral college but this election was a fraud. Again they are trying to box him into a concession highlighting only a very small part of what was actually said. What he meant was you know if I lost of course I would leave to an obnoxious activist reporter. If there was foreign interference from say Iran which Wray and Ratcliffe announced before the election and Powell has in her lawsuit the electoral college is not the end date for him.

  3. I suppose we’ll be finding out in short order whether the Leftist MSM press and other corporate media controls America.

    They seem to think they do, and so far they seem to be getting their way and deciding things for us.

  4. Stirrin, if they hate Thanksgiving so much, why don’t they come up with their own name, instead of lamely attaching “un” to it? How about “Grudgehumping Day”, you bitter pills?

  5. I am glad he finally told someone you don’t talk to the President of the United States that way. I get so sick of people in the media being disrespectful to the office of President.

    I was listening to a former state AG the other night talking about how within the Constitution the Supreme Court could fix this, when it is so obvious fraud. They could just rule that the results in all states at midnight was the final result. His argument was that it would be Constitutional because of the election is to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. He also said if it’s proven votes were being counted in foreign countries, they could go off a national security risk and throw out all votes in states where the votes were counted in foreign countries and throw it back on state legislatures to select the electors, again being a ruling in line with the Constitution. He also said they could go even farther and rule all absentee and early votes were not Constitutional votes because they were not on Tuesday. He claimed that some justices sitting on the high court right now have spoken before that Absentee and early voting wasn’t Constitutional. His opinion was that some of the justices want to hear the case to once and for all deal with what they feel is states and election officials doing as they please and the Constitution be damned. I hope he’s right.

  6. Old Racist White Woman – you must be a raaaaayyciiiiiss.

    Everyone knows that blacks don’t have drivers licenses or any other form of picture ID. And if they did, they have no means to get to the poll station. And if they got there, they couldn’t figure out how to operate the voting machine.

    At least that’s what the democrats tell us.

    (p.s. I hope he’s right too)

  7. Mark my words, the eRepublicans were in on The Steal. Just like when that rat bastard Paul Ryan was conspiring with Democrats against us during Trumps first two years, these bastards have been in the back rooms and hiding in the shadows waiting for the signal to play their part in the coup.

  8. Only if he had invoked the Insurrection Act, which he has every reason to do at this time, they would have really shit their Goddamn drawers. He has the bastards so panicked right now they don’t know if they are afoot or on horseback.

    My buddy, who has a strong stomach, monitors a half dozen prog sites and they are losing their Goddamn minds.


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