Trump vindicated on Paris Climate Accord pull-out – IOTW Report

Trump vindicated on Paris Climate Accord pull-out

American Thinker:

When President Trump announced the U.S. pull-out from the Paris Climate Accord last year, the left howled.

Here’s what the top bureaucrats at the United Nations had to say at the time:

[United Nations spokesman Stephane] Dujarric reiterated [U.N. secretary-general Antonio] Guterres’ June 1 statement calling the U.S. decision to withdraw “a major disappointment for global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote global security.”

“It is crucial that the United States remains a leader on climate and sustainable development,” Dujarric said.  “Climate change is impacting now.  He looks forward to engaging with the American government and all other actors in the United States and around the world to build the sustainable future for our children and future generations.”

It was all such horse hockey.

Latest news from the International Energy Agency is that Paris Climate Accord nations, which is pretty much all of them, reported not a decline in greenhouse gases, but a 1.7% spike.  Here is what New York magazine reported:

This week, the International Energy Agency announced that carbon emissions grew 1.7 percent in 2017, after an ambiguous couple of years optimists hoped represented a leveling off, or peak; instead, we’re climbing again.  Even before the new spike, not a single major industrial nation was on track to fulfill the commitments it made in the Paris treaty.  To keep the planet under two degrees of warming – a level that was, not all that long ago, defined as the threshold of climate catastrophe – all signatory nations have to match or better those commitments.  There are 195 signatories, of which only the following are considered even “in range” of their Paris targets: Morocco, Gambia, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, India, and the Philippines.

The headline suggests that the whole idea of lowering emissions through an international, Europe-based bureaucracy is increasingly “a fantasy.”  read more

10 Comments on Trump vindicated on Paris Climate Accord pull-out

  1. Don’t you see, if USA had stayed in the Climate Accord, we would have lead the way, all nations would have reduced their emissions, and we would have reversed the rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and devastating weather events. Just like happened under Obama’s “leadership”. Or something.

  2. @Left Coast Dan March 28, 2018 at 12:12 pm

    > Costa Rica would have been over, but, you know, hurricane.

    America should still get a participation trophy for Puerto Rico. They’ve slashed their electrical usage by… well, something. The actual numbers don’t matter. We”l fix those in post.


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