Trump vows to break up Department of Education, redistribute its functions to states – IOTW Report

Trump vows to break up Department of Education, redistribute its functions to states

JTN: Former President Donald Trump spoke in Davenport, Iowa, on Monday to deliver his platform on education issues as his 2024 presidential campaign kicks into high gear.

During the speech, Trump stated that his administration had extensively studied the possibility of breaking up the Department of Education altogether and reallocating its functions to the states, earning raucous applause.

“We studied it very closely and I was getting ready to do it, pull the trigger,” he said. “The long-term goal, but now it’s a short-term goal, of breaking up the federal Department of Education and redistributing its functions to the states.”

Trump’s Monday evening speech in the key primary battleground follows an appearance by Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in the state. The Florida governor has not officially announced his candidacy but is widely expected to challenge Trump in a field that also includes former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, tech mogul Vivek Ramaswamy, and businessman Perry Johnson. watch

13 Comments on Trump vows to break up Department of Education, redistribute its functions to states

  1. Don’t need to redistribute anything. The states already have what they need … the US Constitution.

    Education is already being done by each state, they just need to eliminate the federal government’s interference and money laundering (the state sends $$$$$ to the feds, they send $$ back).

  2. Millions of parasites are living off the $Billions wasted through the Dept. of Education, including the powerful teachers’ unions, and if President Trump thinks he’s gonna get rid of that particular goose laying those golden eggs, he’s in for a shock.

    Ronald the Magnificent said: “Find the dumbest, least useful, wasteful, idiotic program in the government, and let’s try to kill it.”
    His guys came up with the Helium Reserve (to use in our World War I dirigible air force (which no longer exists)).
    A great hue and cry went up around the nation at the suggestion of getting rid of the absolutely useless Helium Reserve such that there was gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, and grown men reduced to quivering, sobbing, tearstained wretches – so the idea was dropped.

    But it makes a good campaign position.
    I wish President Trump much luck.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Come on man, everyone knows you spell cat as kat. And 2 + 2 = 5. And anything and everything can be whatever you want it to be as long as you feel good about yourself even if you’re dumber than a box of rocks. They’re keeping people stupid so that they’ll vote for democraps in perpetuity. Thanks, LBJ for nothing for keeping blacks and other minorities stupid since the well intentioned (and you know where good intentions lead to) failed Great Society programs of the 60’s.

  4. This will be an incredibly difficult task to accomplish. Far too many people naively believe that organizations are always dedicated to the improvement and well-being of the things they are named after. (See also “Black Lives Matter”, “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, “Federal Bureau of Investigation”, “U.S. Department of Education”, etc. etc. etc…)

  5. Also a part of Trump’s re-education program is to have Trump Universities across America. The money has to come from somewhere. But before this happens he is going deregulate banks even more.

  6. “But before this happens he is going deregulate banks even more.”

    Hey moron! Even Maxine Waters says Trump had nothing to do with this. But hey, keep looking stupid. Inflation was the catalyst. Caused by your hero, Captain Brain Dead.


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