Trump vows to end birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants – IOTW Report

Trump vows to end birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants


Former President Trump will attempt to end birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants if he wins re-election in 2024, he announced Tuesday.

Trump said he would sign an executive order to that effect “on day one” after gaining office. He said the order will instruct federal agents that the “correct interpretation of the law” does not grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants regardless of their birthplace.

“Joe Biden has launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country, allowing a record number of illegal aliens to storm across our borders,” Trump said in a video posted on Twitter. “Even though these millions of illegal border crossers have entered the country unlawfully, all of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine?” more

15 Comments on Trump vows to end birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants

  1. A dream come true if he can issue an executive order to stop the corrupt anchor baby system, but it would only be a stop gap.
    Pres. Trump needs to pressure hopefully a future Republican lead Congress under his administration to make it law. Permanent laws will curb foreign nationals illegally invading our country.

  2. “correct interpretation of the law”

    And the courts would make that interpretation, not Trump.

    And in another example of “Good Trump, Bad Trump”, he just went after his most ardent supporter;

    This guy can, at times, be such a douchebag. For someone that places such a high premium on loyalty, he displays such a remarkable lack of it himself.

  3. The movie thread gets almost 50 comments and this gets 4! Tells ya a lot about peoples priorities. This should be supported by every white citizen in the country and loudly.

  4. “I’d like to see it but I don’t believe it can be changed by executive order.”

    True it needs to be some type of law but I think the thing many miss (forget constantly?) about Trump is that he is a negotiator to his core. You don’t get something huge by asking for small things. And when he talks about doing the “impossible” it automatically starts the conversation on other ways the problem can be dealt with.

  5. If he is able to issue this executive order, it will get to the courts. The left will make sure of that.

    Emperor can do what they please for whatever friggen reason… Trump will not be allowed to do anything without them fighting tooth-and-nail.

  6. Don is making trouble for himself.

    An EO can override the Constitution only if the Supreme court goes along. With the far left Roberts as Chief this will never happen.

    I refer specifically to 14th Amend.

  7. Trump won’t have that kind of power. As a matter of fact, if I were an illegal, I’d be shouting out how gay I was. Since Trump is all in for the gays and is working hard for them, he’ll give them free reign. Trump stepped in it. How does a Christian voter reconcile with that fact?

  8. The EO:
    non-citizens *legally* in the US may petition for US citizenship for offspring born on US soil.
    non-citizens *illegally* in the US are excluded from petition of US citizenship.

    Notice the subtlety in this. it requires the non-citizen to petition the government for citizenship of their offspring born on US soil. it does away with the automatic citizenship.

  9. I believe if you read the 14th(?) amendment correctly, it already opposes this. There is enough ambiguity that it has historically been interpreted to allow birthright citizenship, but the spirit of the law, if not the letter of it, was to make sure that freed slaves were full citizens.


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