Trump vows to mount major ballot-harvesting campaign ‘in every state we can’ – IOTW Report

Trump vows to mount major ballot-harvesting campaign ‘in every state we can’

JTN: Former President Donald Trump this week indicated a shift in electoral tactics ahead of the 2024 election, promising to embrace “ballot harvesting” as a major campaign method for his next presidential run. 

Trump made the declaration in a fundraising email this week, according to the Wall Street Journal. “The radical Democrats have used ballot harvesting to cancel out YOUR vote and walk away with elections that they NEVER should have won,” the former president said, adding that he himself is “doing something HUGE to fight back.”

“Our path forward is to MASTER the Democrats’ own game of harvesting ballots in every state we can,” Trump continued, urging supporters to help “start laying the foundation for victory RIGHT NOW.” MORE

23 Comments on Trump vows to mount major ballot-harvesting campaign ‘in every state we can’

  1. President Trump is going to expose the illegitimate elections by doing what the democrats have been doing for years. The dems will say that it is illegal when the R’s start winning by vote harvesting.

    The dems have been trying to provoke conservatives to act out. They should have been provoking their own.

  2. Not enough to win by matching the other side using ALL the loopholes in the rules, but rather they need to know they’ve been beaten.

    Unfortunately, they have a monopoly on Sociopaths.

  3. It’s the only way but I fear Nevada, Arizona, and Pennsylvania will require more than vote harvesting.
    These idiot states take days to count votes.
    Cheating & winning gets done in the dead of night and over time, once they figure out how many votes they need.

    I’m glad Trump is saying this but he really needs to go scorched earth.
    Encourage CHEATING from OUR SIDE!
    Talk up different cheating methods.
    MSM will clutch pearls but the point will be made.

  4. Yes Brad but THAT kind of harvesting is not what Trump is talking about.

    Trump is talking about gathering ballots BEFORE the election.
    We need to harvest AFTER* the crop has already been gathered, just like the democrats do.
    Those videos of the fat black chick in Atlanta sending folks home and then wheeling out coolers full of ballots is EXACTLY what we need to do until the shit hits the fan from both sides.

  5. My point is we need to OPENLY, BRAZENLY talk about cheating, how we plan to cheat, and how we will embrace cheating and go full nuclear cheat mode for 2024.

    Rules of engagement have been set and us niggas are down with it and ready to play the game.
    You asked for it, you got it, Toyota…

  6. Loco
    It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes. Just harvesting is pissing in the wind. All local voter registrars have been taken over by Libtards. We will lose bigly again in 2024 because our leaders continue to underestimate our enemies. TINVOWOOT.

  7. I disagree Brad.
    Conservatives like to vote ON election day.
    Hell, I do for sure.
    Anyway, pipes burst*, printers malfunction*, power outages*, etc happen.
    Gathetring ballots beforehand makes sense.

    Not only that, there are so many people who are indifferent to voting.
    Never voted, don’t care to vote, yet NOW RECEIVE A BALLOT IN THE MAIL.
    A U T O M A T I C A L L Y !
    Government just sends them out.

    Anyway, that is a vote fishing hole that will NEVER run dry!
    We need to fish in that hole too.

    The democrats likely can’t fucking believe that they have managed two major elections in which we fucking LET THEM FISH ALONE IN THAT HOLE!


  8. Loco
    You just wrote a small book and did not address whom counts the votes. And that right there is why they will always win. Sorry, don’t mean to be Debbie downer. But I live in the state that perfected it. If you want to win, that needs to be addressed.

  9. No argument Brad, Arizona proved your point.
    Kari knew she would get the most votes and felt it would overcome the cheating.
    It didn’t.
    Katy Hobbs, her opponent was ACTUALLY IN CONTROL OF COUNTING THE VOTES!
    You cannot make that shit up!

    It needs to be all hands on deck and my point is still valid.
    We have REPUBLICAN precincts that count votes too.
    We need to outcheat them.
    “What, you found 3700 votes in the trunk of a 1998 Prius?
    Well, we just found 6400 votes in the back of a Ford F-150…”

  10. You can’t win by playing their game. You take away their game by taking away their pool. Cleaning out the voter rolls is the main way to do that. It’s dirty, hard, state by state work, and the fact that it’s meeting with ferocious resistance from Democrat AND Republican SOS’s is very telling. Keep pushing, Jay Valentine.

  11. Legal citizens with proper identification, voting in person once, on election day, on a paper ballot that is hand counted by a republican, a democrat and an independent will solve the election cheating.

  12. 1harpazo

    Yes, and a dead line on when counting stops. If you can’t get your counties or districts votes counted in a reasonable time then who ever is leading when the clock stops wins.
    We’d never get that passed in all the individual states, but that’s what it would take.


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