TRUMP vs. CRUZ – IOTW Report


I’ve updated this in a new post with ONE VIDEO. Compare Cruz and Trump.

New post here:

Trump vs. Cruz – One 5 minute video – compare the 2 candidates

Ted Cruz:

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Donald Trump:

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18 Comments on TRUMP vs. CRUZ

  1. This whole premise these jerks like O’Reilly try to pass of is false! If the parents are criminal invaders, their offspring are NOT American citizens just because they had the good fortune to be born on American soil (likely at the expense of the American taxpayer).

    The Constitution including the 14th amendment does not grant criminal invaders nor their offspring born here the privilege of being an American citizen. It’s way past time that somebody stood up and made it clear – even if you were born here, if your parents illegally entered America, YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!

    If a pregnant woman breaks into my house and has her baby inside, it doesn’t give the baby ownership rights to my house. The same is true for America and it needs to be made crystal clear to the invaders and their “progressive” supporters.

  2. ok…here’s the simple answer….50 thousand dollar fines for the EMPLOYER for each and every employee found to be illegal…they’ll self deport….now my story….I just moved to the middle of nowhere, middle of the USA and I went to change my drivers license to this state….my family has been in the good ol’ US of A since the revolution and the last of the immigrants that I come from were here by 1900…..I had to provide proof of residence, social security card (which they would not accept because it was laminated….laminated since I first got it in 1972, do you have your original? ),birth certificate, tax return/ w2, utility bills….my property deed didn’t qualify….hell, prostate exams are more joyful…..38 miles round trip to get the proper documents and they still don’t have a traffic light in that town…..Now, TELL ME, there isn’t an easy answer to the ILLEGAL immigrant issue….and I registered to vote….they let me….LOL….OH YEAH, I’M GONNA VOTE….if I ain’t bird huntin’….

  3. The hassle with getting a driver’s license stems from the federal government’s “Secure ID Act” passed a few years ago. In Georgia in 2008, I renewed my license by mail for 10 years. Now, we have to go through the same rigmarole.

    My dad just got his license renewed at 84 years old. They wanted a passport or a certified birth certificate (which he doesn’t have) even though the office directly across the hall in the same building has his original birth certificate on file. They did accept his army discharge card (from 1953) in lieu of the certified birth certificate. Getting a concealed carry license didn’t require as much documentation.

    And the added measures for having a “secure ID” wouldn’t be necessary if the federal government did its job of securing the border and deporting anyone here illegally.

  4. It’s O’Reilly and Kelly V Trump and Cruz. Who can do the most damage with how to handle our immigration problem. Oh you want to separate these little children from their parents? How mean you are.

    What about “Fast and Furious,” Benghazi, the IRS Scandal, spying on us, Muslims in the White House, Obama’s bullshit, we’re all crazies for not wanting the Iran deal, Hillary’s Emails, Hillary’s lies, North Korea, China, Russia’s involvement in Poland,The size of Rosie O’Donnell’s arse, Kelly’s flaring nostrils, the size of her hubby’s dick, O’reilly’s ties, his new book “Killing Jack the Ripper,”Is the Pope as Dope? Why was Scooter Libby jailed and Hillary is still at large and running for President of the United States? There’s more, but I need a drink.

  5. I’m like Levin…very interested in Killing Reagan, cause Reagan wasn’t killed.

    MT, keep ’em coming. Levin said his book is not at number one any longer because of adult coloring books. What a dumbed down generation we have.

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