Trump wants ‘extreme vetting’ to stop terrorists at border – IOTW Report

Trump wants ‘extreme vetting’ to stop terrorists at border

WT: Donald Trump called for “extreme vetting” to root out potential terrorists attempting to enter the United States, as the Republican presidential nominee Monday rolled out a three-pronged strategy to fight and win what he described as an ideological war pitting radical Islamists against the West.

The immigration plan fine-tuned Mr. Trump’s proposal during the Republican primaries to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.

Many Democrats and Republicans criticized that plan as unconstitutional and un-American, but Mr. Trump still proposed a temporary travel ban on people from terrorist hotbeds until U.S. officials establish a test to measure cultural and civic compatibility with American values.

Sticking closely to a prepared set of remarks, the presidential candidate said a new immigration policy was needed immediately to stop a pattern of terrorist attacks inside the United States, including the Boston Marathon bombing and the mass shootings in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.

Mr. Trump said President Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton failed to appreciate or effectively combat the danger.

“A Trump administration will establish a clear principle that will govern all decisions pertaining to immigration: We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people,” Mr. Trump said in the speech in Youngstown, Ohio.




17 Comments on Trump wants ‘extreme vetting’ to stop terrorists at border

  1. How will CAIR get more fanatical muslims in the country if Trump employs reason into the refugee/immigration policies?

    Trump takes protecting the US seriously, whether it is immigration, financially, economically or preparing a strong military.

  2. “Many Democrats and Republicans criticized that plan as unconstitutional and un-American”

    Last time I checked…..non-citizens of the United States don’t have any constitutional rights. It also would not be the 1st time immigration was halted from certain parts of the world….and the one question I have…. when did it become “un-American” to protect Americans?

  3. Believe me when I say this: The ‘powers that be’ are wayyyyy more frightened by Trump asserting that he’s gonna get rid of the Johnson amendment which prevents churches from talking politics under threats of tax exemption status.

  4. I watched Trump’s speech live yesterday and I have to say, I was very impressed with it. It was a strong, decisive speech with very clear, bold positions. He made the case against Obama and Clinton. He presented the problems we face because of Obama and Clinton. And he gave his proposals and solutions. It was excellent.

  5. Immigration should be based on the NEEDS of America – PERIOD.

    Why must America be the beach for all the flotsam and jetsam of the Third World?

    Eliminate Welfare and the crisis would solve itself.
    Make it a felony to hire or support an illegally invading rat-person, punishable by forfeiture and imprisonment, and the crisis would solve itself.

    Simple solutions for simple problems – problems created by the gov’t, I might add.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Headline in today’s Seattle Times say “Trump calls for ideology testing” as if that were a bad thing. How many other countries in the world (outside of Western democracies) are expected to admit people who want to se the desruction of the host countries.

    I can”t help but think that the reason all these pollster how Hillary what ahead is because the left only talks to itself.

  7. Well, he’s getting closer to my plan, to wit:

    Suspend ALL immigration until we can do three things:

    1) Secure our borders.

    2) Figure out a way to vet newcomers.

    3) Fix our economy so that newly arrived immigrants won’t automatically be taking jobs away from U.S. citizens.

    No expiration date or time limit. It takes as long as it takes.

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