Trump Warns EU To Come get Their ISIS Prisoners From GITMO – IOTW Report

Trump Warns EU To Come get Their ISIS Prisoners From GITMO

“And at some point, I’m going to have to say, ‘I’m sorry, but you either take them back or we’re going to let them go at your border’ ”

Did you know one can see Trump’s balls from space?


President Trump Rejects U.S. Role as World’s Policeman, Tells Europe to Deal with ISIS Prisoners.

President Donald Trump is sick of other nations forcing the United States to shoulder the burden of combating terrorism, and believes that his country should no longer be forced to take care of certain ISIS fighters taken as prisoners of war.

“I defeated the Caliphate,” Trump said to reporters during a meeting in the Oval Office with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

“And now we have thousands of prisoners of war, ISIS fighters,” Trump added. more here

8 Comments on Trump Warns EU To Come get Their ISIS Prisoners From GITMO

  1. Forget “dropping” these rejects into Europe.
    Hamstring (oops! that was insensitive) hobble them (simple surgical operation). While they’re out from the anesthesia, load them on the plane(s) and take to somewhere/anywhere in the Middle East. Renew anesthesia as needed while in flight.
    Land, unload cargo, sign receipt, take off before prisoners awake.
    Now the ME is stuck with a bunch of crippled jihadists, of no use to anybody.

  2. Oh! we don’t hardly even kill enemy combatants much less any other third world cockroaches…. Where’s that meteor?
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne


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