Trump: Washington Post Employees Should Go On Strike – IOTW Report

Trump: Washington Post Employees Should Go On Strike

Daily Caller -President Donald Trump attacked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and The “Fake News” Washington Post in a Sunday morning tweet.

Trump asserted that Washington Post employees “want to go on strike because [Jeff] Bezos isn’t paying them enough,” and suggested it would be a “great idea” because it would put the paper out of business for a period of time.

“I think a really long strike would be a great idea,” Trump wrote. “Employees would get more money and we would get rid of Fake News for an extended period of time!”

“Is @WaPo a registered lobbyist?” he added.

Trump has previously accused Bezos of using the Post as a lobbying arm for Amazon and has urged him to register the newspaper as a lobbyist.

4 Comments on Trump: Washington Post Employees Should Go On Strike

  1. Bezos, greedy mentally MMTB sack of crap, as is Branson and Musk. Contact Reporters? Contract citizen journalists. Nothing more than emotional opinionated trash and now they demand more from Jeff? Not going to end well, not gonna happen. WAPO, NYT, LA Times, just insert any Tribune , it’s over and your legacy wanting a monthly subscription fee to profit for selling email addresses for spam, nah. Your personal lies and delusion and thieving are over. Please take all of your coward BS and for once, show maybe you have a brain,,,, and go away. Just a wish but just like the mentally ill NWO whores like the Clintons,, you’ll will keep your delusion going on, as long as there is a penny in it.

  2. Washington Post employees aren’t getting paid enough? It’s not like they work. Ah, but then it must’ve cost Bezos a nice chunk of change to lure FBI agents to leak stories to them.

    Suffer in silence, assmonkeys.


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