Trump: “We Caught Them In The Act” – IOTW Report

Trump: “We Caught Them In The Act”

“We Caught ‘Em! “Did we catch them in the act or what? You know what I’m talking about. Oh did we catch them in the act! They are very embarrassed. They never thought they were going to be caught. We caught ’em… It’s so much fun. We’re like the great sleuth.”  GO SEE

11 Comments on Trump: “We Caught Them In The Act”

  1. I just pray he has his own security, ex NYPD,FBI,SS, etc. at arms length. By ex I mean pre Obama. Damn! What this great man has to put up with. I pray for him every day. We should all pray, the future of America is at hand. I listened to Rep. Devin Nunes today on Rush. Scary stuff.

  2. “We caught them in the act.” On a lighter note, this reminds me of an old Joey Bishop movie, “Divorce American
    Style,” or “Marriage American Style,” I forget. But Joey (and I loved Joey Bishop) acted like today’s demorats when caught in the act.
    His wife caught him in bed with another woman. The wife went ape-shit, ranting, raving, just as any normal wife would. (Forget Killary). She was screaming at him and the woman. Screaming!
    So, the woman got up, got dressed, and left the house. Joey got up, got dressed, put on his smoking jacket, sat on a lounge chair, lit his pipe, and opened the newspaper.
    WHO WAS SHE? the wife screamed.
    Who are you talking about? says Joey. LMAO.
    These demorats and the media are a joke.

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