Trump: We Need to Build a Wall to Stop the Flow of Drugs – IOTW Report

Trump: We Need to Build a Wall to Stop the Flow of Drugs

President Trump continued his push for a border wall at a declaration of a national public health emergency regarding the opioid crisis on Thursday.

10 Comments on Trump: We Need to Build a Wall to Stop the Flow of Drugs

  1. Crisis?
    It is an epidemic of epic proportions.
    What kids aren’t aborted are dying from heroin overdoses and meth.
    My nephew (sister’s son) buried his 22 year old daughter just 10 days ago from a heroin overdose in Illinois.
    My brother’s son (28 yrs old) will soon be entering Ohio state prison for drug possession (heroin) and use.
    (they were sharp, popular kids with good grades, loving parents, band members, class leaders and a cheerleader).
    Both had been in addiction rehab centers a couple of times, were doing well but each time fell right back into heroin.
    Both had lost friends to overdoses.
    My nephew has lived long enough to go to prison has a chance, but drugs are available in prison too.

  2. Cato — I’m very sorry for you and your family’s loss. So tragic. So very sad to know these kids started out with all the right stuff — a little terrifying, too. We have a friend whose 30-something son died from a heroin overdose, but he had been on the path of addiction and in and out of jail for a long, long time.

    Drugs and alcohol addiction is such terrible, wasting things. It destroys families.

  3. A physical wall might, just might affect the flow of weed. Coke, heroin, pills, opioids have other methods of ingress. A wall will have no impact. Too much money involved.

    High dollar tourism does not require the traveler to walk to their destination. Aircraft and ships are involved. This is the same operation. The tour operators in this case have offices in DC and Wall Street.

  4. …but I meant to add: At least with a wall we are shutting down one source of a lot of drugs flowing into the country. It’s still easier for the cartels to traffic via land than going through the more thorough search at U.S. Customs. Then it’s a matter of getting someone inside Customs and the rest to find where people are taking bribes and kickbacks.

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