Trump: “We want one-day elections, we want paper ballots, and no mail-in fake ballots.” – IOTW Report

Trump: “We want one-day elections, we want paper ballots, and no mail-in fake ballots.”

Speaking in Ohio, former President Trump said “We want one-day elections, we want paper ballots, and no mail-in fake ballots.”

16 Comments on Trump: “We want one-day elections, we want paper ballots, and no mail-in fake ballots.”

  1. …all of that is how it WAS, all up to the election of Black Jeebus.

    It was absolutely amazing how lazy, helpless and incompetent Black people were suddenly potrayed as being in the run-up to 2008. We were told they were simply unable to behave as they had up to that point and vote with everyone else, and that expecting them to was rayciss.

    …you would think they would have been insulted by this, but you’d be wrong…

  2. Stevie Wonder could see where this was headed when the King County Democrat machine pushed it through in Washington State decades ago. Paper ballots, picture identification or you don’t vote period and any extralegal voting is grounds for capital punishment. Encouragements of extralegal voting grounds for slow and painful implementation of the sentence.

  3. What is common sense to us, is not to the communists running the show. You can’t have a new world order where we own nothing and are happy about it with fair elections. You can’t have fair elections where machines scan ballots and count some votes at the value of .9 and others at 1.1.

    On a related note, I think that saying that we’ll own nothing still entails that somebody is going to own it. Who will that be?

  4. JDHasty, I hate mail in voting in Wash. state. Ever since 2004 when Dino Rossi was hosed by the democraps and Chris Gregoire which would’ve never happened if we did elections the old fashioned way like we did before 2004 at our local voting precincts.

  5. We already are not owning things when we have to buy a license to use certain computer software, certain music production/listening apps/subscriptions, NetFlix/Amazon, etc subscriptions to see movies that seem to never being produced for personal DVD/Blu-ray use, until years later (if ever)…and on and on.

    Try stop paying your realty taxes to the County on your paid-for residence, and find out who REALLY owns your residence.

  6. And Bolsheviks, printing the ballots!

    And Bolsheviks, deciding who can voat! (With Bolshevik ID, of course!)

    And Bolsheviks, counting who the Bolsheviks granted the voat!

    For Murhica!!!leventy!!!


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