Trump Will Donate Part Of His Presidential Salary To Fighting The Opioid Crisis – IOTW Report

Trump Will Donate Part Of His Presidential Salary To Fighting The Opioid Crisis

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump is giving his salary for this quarter to the Department of Health and Human Services in order to help fight America’s opioid crisis, the acting Health and Human Services secretary announced Thursday.

The opioid crisis in America has been a scourge on communities across the country, particularly in the Northeast and Midwest. Many states that voted for Trump suffer greatly from the ravaging opioid epidemic.

Acting Secretary Eric Hargan said in a statement at the White House press briefing that Trump wrote HHS a personal check and that the money will be used to “attack the opioid epidemic” through research, management, prevention and treatment. The acting secretary said that the decision for Trump was personal, since the president had lost one of his own family members to addiction.

“The President is personally dedicated to defeating this crisis because addiction hits home for so many of us,” Hargan said. “You heard him share the story in his opioid speech about how he lost his own brother to alcoholism. And speaking personally, opioid addiction has been a presence in my hometown, in my family, for years. It was years ago, in fact, that I lost a close relative who constantly struggled with opioids.”  read more

10 Comments on Trump Will Donate Part Of His Presidential Salary To Fighting The Opioid Crisis

  1. And remember when Obama always donated his presidential salary to the local food kitchens of D.C. and how his selfless deed helped feed untold masses of inner city black kids and…wait. What? Yeah. I don’t either.

  2. If the Gov’t claims that a “crisis” exists, you can pretty much bet that, either it doesn’t, or it’s a Gov’t-manufactured “crisis.” The Gov’t makes “crises,” it doesn’t alleviate them. Famine in Africa, Jim Crow, Anti-Semitism, Gun-Control, Bread-Shortage, High Prices, Onerous Taxation, Unemployment, Economic Recession and Depression, Shortages – ALL “crises” developed or exacerbated by the governments involved.

    Don’t people ever tire of bullshit?

    Bullshit for breakfast.
    Bullshit for brunch.
    Bullshit for lunch.
    Bullshit for dinner.
    Bullshit for supper.
    Bullshit for a midnight snack.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Jerry Manderin-Obama’s idea of charity is getting his relatives on the pubic dole. Hell, he has a brother living in a hut somewhere in Africa. He could double the guys yearly income by flipping him a $20. Since it would have to come out of his pocket it isn’t happening. What a guy…

  4. @Carpeye D’um

    What a point. $20 would make a huge difference in his life. They should send an interview team over there and ask him what he thinks of his loser relative now.

  5. @Tim, not sure about that… we travel all over the country and we’ve seen scenes, especially in large cities, that shouldn’t belong in a first world country.
    When I see ppl begging, sleeping on the streets, I always question, why are they not working? The only plausible explanation I can think of is that the majority of those are enslaved by drugs. One can see on their faces. It’s very sad!

  6. @Val,
    Cities are cesspools of corruption and indifference, all – ALL – dominated by the socialist/totalitarians who steal the money earmarked to help the “poor, sick, and oppressed.” We have allocated $Billions, perhaps $Trillions, over the past 50 years to “eradicate” the plague of drugs – to what effect?
    Money gets shifted into the likes of ACORN and other front groups which channel it into the pockets of corrupt Demonrats. President Trump is falling for the same scam. He should take a moment or two and read about Singapore’s response to drugs. Gov’t intervention has done much to make it difficult for those in pain to get relief – I know – I had a tooth infection and could only get a 3 day supply to last a week until my root canal. There is no reason on Earth, in America, in the 21st Century, for anyone to suffer. Least of all not suffer because of some stupid drug addicts.
    This is similar to the cries for “gun control” because some psycho does something stupid (and already illegal).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Ditto Tim.

    The doctor prescribes. End of story.

    I went through tightrope walking the pain meds for my wife several months ago.

    Others take to the street, or friends, or that nice internet site that charges your credit card from Pakistan with who knows what in it.

    The jury’s in. It’s fentanyl. Once again the government’s cure causes an unintended consequence that’s worse than the disease.

    We can’t allow a death row inmate to feel the teeniest weeniest bit of pain to be put to death but the DEA has stepped between the doctors and their patients and demanded it.

    Just to be safe. And if it saves just one life….blah,blah,blah.


  8. I like Trump. But there isn’t any opiate crisis except for patients not getting the drugs they need. Other countries do not restrict their citizens ability to get medications and they have fewer issues.x

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