Trump Wins Motion in Battle over Redactions – IOTW Report

Trump Wins Motion in Battle over Redactions

Robert Gouveia has the details.

8 Comments on Trump Wins Motion in Battle over Redactions

  1. ^^^^
    I disagree. He needs to destroy the power base. He needs to go after the non elected gov lifetime Libtard employee. Those bastards you mention would not, could not, exist without their American hating base.

  2. At least once a week Megyn Kelly has a panel of lawyers on her podcast discussing the pending court cases. Fairly consistently, the consensus is that the only case that will be tried before the election is Fat Alvin’s Stormy Daniels hush money case. This would be good news for Trump.

    As for what to do first, Holy Smokes, where to start? Fire Wray, that takes 5 minutes. Then an EO requiring all illegals (without citizenship rights on inauguration day) to self-deport and get in line with everyone else. Fast-track all drilling permits, make shoplifting a federal crime with criminal prosecution against any DA’s not on board, tell Zelensky to negotiate the best deal he can get today, and build the wall. Then on to day 2.


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