Trump: ‘… you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days’ – IOTW Report

Trump: ‘… you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days’

By Thomas Lifson

If you pay close attention, it sure looks as though something is up.  I realize that conservatives have endlessly been disappointed by the failure of major scandals to result in serious investigations and revelations, much less criminal trials and convictions.  That’s the new normal in corrupt 21st-century America.  Maybe I am playing Charlie Brown to Lucy Van Pelt holding the football, but hope springs eternal that the brilliant self-correcting mechanisms designed by the Founders can operate as intended.

Maybe, with prospect of apocalypse of the Great Reset looming, lips are loosening and action finally is being taken before it is too late.  Maybe it was not just overheated rhetoric when President Trump took the occasion of awarding the Medal of Freedom to Dan Gable to tell us:

“… I think the case has already been made. If you look at the polls, it was a rigged election. You look at the different states. The election was totally rigged. It’s a disgrace to our country. It’s like a third-world country — these ballots pouring in from everywhere, using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have “glitches,” as they call them. Glitches. The glitches weren’t glitches. They got caught sending out thousands of votes — all against me, by the way.

No, this was like from a third-world nation. And I think the case has been made. And now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.” [emphasis added]

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27 Comments on Trump: ‘… you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days’

  1. I’d be really happy if the lost election were clawed back, but I smell grifter bullshit here, especially from Sidney Powell and that other dick lawyer in GA who told people to not vote in the Senate run off as a form of “protest”.

    Don’t give money to these assholes, whatever you do. Powell had a vote fraud lawsuit rejected because she made up a quote from a case that didn’t exist. That’s either incompetence or a planned loss. She never get Flynn off either, BTW. Trump had to do that.

  2. Unless he was talking about the Texas suit, he’d better act real quick like if it is going to happen over the “next couple of days”.

    The election results were declared over a month ago and still nothing that is having any effect on the results has been done. We’re running out of time to do anything.

    FWIW, the Texas suit has some potential and may do something.

  3. So the “big things happening” was Swalwell is a traitor, Hunter Biden is a criminal, and the FBI is a political arm for the DNC, how on earth does this move the ball one inch closer to the ultimate goal of overturning the rigged election? Isn’t that the one thing that’s kinda important in saving our republic?

  4. Overt political manipulation is mostly just a distraction that keeps almost everyone unaware of the real manipulation of our selves and our thinking that is going on at what should be a ridiculously obvious scale but almost everyone remains totally unaware of.

    And almost everyone, right or left, joins in and propagates it without even knowing they are. The “big lie” is being told and repeated in many ways and almost no one knows they are accepting and even repeating it. There is no public discussion of it and therefore no public resistance to it.

  5. SSDD I fear.

    How many times over the past four years have we heard the claim that something big is about to happen and it will make a big difference, and that nothing big happened and no big difference seen?

    “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

  6. They said, “Give us the House” and we gave them the House. They said, “Give us the Senate” and we gave them the Senate. They said, “Give us the President” and we gave them the President. And what did WE get? WE got fucked!

  7. Thank you, Ronterf and everyone. Go out today and live your blessed lives. This soon shall pass. All glory to God in Jesus’ name, we pray.

    And all God’s people said, “Amen”

  8. ” I realize that conservatives have endlessly been disappointed by the failure of major scandals to result in serious investigations and revelations, much less criminal trials and convictions.”

    Have to admit I fell for it the first couple of hundred times myself.

  9. Tired of HEARING things WILL happen every week for a month now.

    Sorry if I am growing tired of promises.
    We done to the 1 yard line and it is time to S___T or get off the Potty.

  10. Exactly right, NN2N1.

    How many years now have we been hearing that same crap, “Trust the plan”?
    Q – what a freakin’ joke!
    Then time ran out and still nothing happened except a massive election fraud.

    Where the hell is the damned Kraken?

    I hope I’m wrong but I reckon all the SCOTUS lawsuits will be thrown out, for one technicality or another and the mountains of evidence of election fraud be damned.


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