Trump’s EPA Prepares To Delay Obama’s Methane Emissions – IOTW Report

Trump’s EPA Prepares To Delay Obama’s Methane Emissions

DC: The Trump administration is preparing to place a temporary halt on former President Barack Obama’s methane emissions rules.

The EPA will announce shortly a two-year delay on rules designed to regulate methane, a potent greenhouse gas that scientists argue contributes to global warming, according to an EPA official and public filings. Officials are using the delay to buy time for a plan replacing the rule.

Energy companies pushed for repeal while the EPA reconsidered whether to implement the stricter standard. The Bureau of Land Management entered a notice earlier this year to delay a separate rule finalized in November that would limit methane burned off from drilling operations on federal lands.  read more

10 Comments on Trump’s EPA Prepares To Delay Obama’s Methane Emissions

  1. Mooch is going to burst if the regs go into effect and she can’t fart without a muffler and a catalytic converter shoved up her shit chute.
    Who says Trump isn’t a humanitarian at heart!

  2. Why only delay? Why not cancel?
    Capping methane is an act looking to fix a nonexistent problem, it’s like Mueller looking for cooperation between Putin and Trump to hand Trump the presidency, didn’t happen.

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