Trump’s EPA Slaps NYC With Massive Fines For Unsanitary Public Housing – IOTW Report

Trump’s EPA Slaps NYC With Massive Fines For Unsanitary Public Housing

DC: New York City signed a settlement with the federal government Monday, agreeing to invest billions more in fixing the city’s unsanitary public housing, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson and Principal Deputy Inspector General Helen M. Albert jointly filed the settlement Monday, along with a complaint alleging the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) continually violated basic safety and sanitation standards in its public housing. The complaint alleges the NYCHA left housing in unsanitary conditions and lied to federal inspectors about its use of lead paint, which is toxic.  MORE

18 Comments on Trump’s EPA Slaps NYC With Massive Fines For Unsanitary Public Housing

  1. That’s great, but why in hell is the EPA going after Chip and Joanne? Mr. Pruitt, I’m hoping it’s just holdover rogues going after them. Please look into it.

  2. @Handy, Yes, although you misspelled the harridan harpy’s first name, yes, that Carson, the originator of liberal lies that formed the nexus of the EPA.

  3. deblasio must have been eating the paint chips to allow this to go on.
    he is such a strong defender of the oppressed isn’t he ?

    I didn’t know they even made lead based paint anymore.

  4. EPA going after “unsanitary” conditions in NYC?
    You’d have to shut down the whole filthy city – it’s a pest house.
    Lead paint? Oh, please.
    Don’t eat the shit and it won’t bother you.
    Just what the world needs – another out-of-control police force.
    Regardless that they punish maggots like NYC and deBlasio, the EPA has no legitimate reason to exist – it is an extra-Constitutional abortion.

    Cite the Article of the Constitution which affords the FedGov the authority to “protect” the environment. Specifically. According to the principal cause of our Civil War (or War Between the States) if a thing is not specified by our Constitution (such as secession) it is FORBIDDEN – and this was the justification for the deaths of half a million Americans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. With the tenants using the halls and stairwells for sewers it’s tough to say how much fault lays with the city. Although its a certainty they don’t help matters any.

  6. @bill, What they are referring to is the lack of abatement of the old paint.
    If you scrape the old peeling paint off and cover the remaining with a sealer it’s OK.
    The problem is, the landlords are not gonna do it, unless forced, you cannot live in the unit while it’s being treated.
    The residents are not gonna do it to protect their children, that’s a whole other topic.
    Lead paint is sweet, “studies have shown” even a small amount of lead ingestion by children is detrimental to their brain development.
    When they start out from birth lower, it doesn’t take much to make it worse.
    Lead paint is still available, just not for interior residential use.
    The paint isn’t the problem, it’s the lack of maintenance and abatement that is the problem.
    Isn’t “apartment maintenance” an oxymoron in NYC?

  7. I worked in NYC housing recently, you couldn’t hire enough people to keep it clean. The residents are savages. The garbage from the windows was our biggest problem. If i was working under a window for more then a few minutes, I would have to set up a pop up canopy to protect my self from what was being thrown out. The NYCHA employees where always telling us that the lighting project we where doing was a waste of time and money, the tenants are just going to destroy them anyway.

  8. Jo Ko, many years ago, I did landscape maintenance in Atlanta with a company that had a contract to clean up the grounds of Section 8 housing. My crew was the “first responders” after a new property had been taken over by the government. The filth was unbelievable. Windows were basically diaper disposals. People would holler out the windows and insult you as you cleaned up their filth. We were all white, and we all carried machetes. This was forty years ago, and it was the beginning of my real education.

  9. There is a well-done study (done at CWRU) that shows eating paint chips was never the real cause of the public health problem. What affected little bugger’s brain development was the use of lead as a fuel additive in gasoline (done intently from the 20s until banned in the 70s). Children were the proverbial canaries in the coal mine, showing lead’s effects more than adults who were also exposed.

    Lead was added to gasoline to boost octane and prevent deterioration of valves. This was done despite the knowledge that lead is a dangerous poison, as demonstrated by the many deaths of workers exposed to this fuel additive (tetraethyl lead).

  10. Anonymous,
    The study you cited doesn’t mention how much lead is contained in leaded gasoline. Nor does it mention how much had to be inhaled (I assume) to affect health. That the workers were dying in 1924 should surprise no one. Nor does the study mention the fact that plumbers (from the Latin “plumbum” – lead (Pb)) have used the stuff for, literally, thousands of years without any apparent ill effects. And I found the statement “like carbon monoxide and other harmful hydrocarbons” somewhat strange, as carbon monoxide isn’t a hydrocarbon.

    Our atmosphere is something on the order of 7.0655 E+19 tons of air and the amount of lead introduced through gasoline emissions is (probably) minuscule (proportionally).

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Opps!
    Math error!

    Only 3.43 E+12 tons of air.

    Sorry. But I still stand by my thesis – that the amount of lead is minuscule, proportionally.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I did the math again without so many roundings and it came to 1.4 E+13 tons of air.
    Pretty sure nobody gives a shit, but all the Globaloney Warming bullshit and all the hysterical nonsense about things in general need to be put into some kind of rational juxtaposition. Compare and Contrast, so to speak.

    Seriously, when some clown says that Corporations over the past 70 years have dumped 90,000 tons of pollutants (for instance) into the atmosphere, what are they really saying?

    90,000 / 1.4 E+13 = 6.43 E-9 x 100 = 6.43 E-7 %
    That’s 0.0000006 % of the total atmosphere.

    Is that a lot or a little?

    What are your chances of inhaling some of that?
    How much would you have to inhale to border on toxicity?

    izlamo delenda est …

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