Trump’s Lead: Nations Abandon Legal ‘Framework’ Building UN Migration Pact – IOTW Report

Trump’s Lead: Nations Abandon Legal ‘Framework’ Building UN Migration Pact

Breitbart Europe: More nations are joining the exodus from the United Nations’ (UN) controversial compact on mass migration, with legal experts now standing up to raise concerns about the drafting of the document and what legal implications signing it might have for countries party to the pact.

President Donald Trump was the first to pull out of the UN pact on migration in December 2017, a move which prompted howls of disapproval from both the mainstream media and globalist leaders.

Yet several nations from all over the world have outright withdrawn from the compact since initially ratifying it in July, or have signalled their intent to do so, as states gain confidence in opposing fashionable but dangerous deals that are not in their own interests.  more

7 Comments on Trump’s Lead: Nations Abandon Legal ‘Framework’ Building UN Migration Pact

  1. The UN Migration Pact is a suicide pact for predominately white countries. It’s non-white countries leveraging the massive hubris of liberal western asshole leaders to invade the west and convert it into the shithole that is the rest of the World.

  2. The global elitists don’t believe in God or God’s word, yet they strive with all they have to bring about the Global One World Government like was foretold in the Bible.

    Such irony. They actually give God and the Word credibility while they deny it every step of the way.

  3. Had you taken out your wallet and PAID ATTENTION it was clear in ’61 that the UN was on the side of the Communists!

    The UN hates America, and has for 57 years!

    Ronny was right to defund it 35 years ago. Unfortunately the UNIPARTYdid not agree with the President 35 years ago! It is as bad as the League was 80 years ago! America should have never been a part of this New World Order scheme!


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