Trump’s legal team drops its biggest bombshell yet. (Right on Jack Smith’s head) – IOTW Report

Trump’s legal team drops its biggest bombshell yet. (Right on Jack Smith’s head)

President Trump and his legal team have taken a bold step against Jack Smith and his team with some explosive new developments. Trump’s attorney claims to possess evidence suggesting the Biden White House is deeply embroiled in the political persecution of Trump. For anyone who’s been following the developments, even minimally, the situation is fishy, and we all know something smells off.

As a matter of fact, at the end of August, the House voiced their worries about the partisan direction of this political witch hunt.

House Judiciary Committee:

 Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent letters to President Biden’s Chief of Staff Jeff Zients and Attorney General Merrick Garland on recent reports that Jay Bratt, a top aide to Special Counsel Jack Smith, met with Biden White House officials numerous times. The alleged relationship between Bratt and the Biden White House reinforces the perception that Smith’s pursuit of President Trump is not an impartial and unprejudiced investigation.

Excerpts of the letter to Jeff Zients:

“The Committee on the Judiciary is continuing its oversight of the Biden Justice Department’s commitment to impartial justice and its handling of a special counsel investigation against President Biden’s chief opponent in the upcoming presidential election. According to recent reporting, Jay Bratt—a Department of Justice employee and top aide to Special Counsel Jack Smith—met with White House officials multiple times, just weeks before Mr. Smith indicted former President Donald Trump. This new information raises serious concerns regarding the potential for a coordinated effort between the Department and the White House to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s political opponents.


6 Comments on Trump’s legal team drops its biggest bombshell yet. (Right on Jack Smith’s head)

  1. Anyone who didn’t know this from Day 1 of the Trump Administration when the Democrats openly set out to destroy President Trump was blind, stupid, or professional of the conspiracy against him.

  2. Power and control is all the Left are concerned about. The legality and ethics of attaining it is irrelevant. In fact, the more brazenly illegal and unethical their behavior is, the more angry people will become. Eventually someone will snap and fire the first shot of what he thinks is American Revolution 2.0, thus providing the Left with their much-needed excuse to halt all elections and assume full control of everything.

  3. Mm SATURDAY, 4 NOVEMBER 2023, 11:40 AT 11:40 AM @ TN Tuxedo….There was an armed patriot group that stood agains’t the border invasion under Geo Bush (The Minutemen?). What did Bush do? He had them arrested and they died off and now we have lost our country to foreign scum.


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