Trump’s PEACE is an Existential Threat to a Nuclear War! – IOTW Report

Trump’s PEACE is an Existential Threat to a Nuclear War!

People’s Cube: MAINSTREAM MEDIA NEWSFLASH – July 2018 – Singapore

In another systemic initiative to destroy Barack Obama’s legacy of creating disaster and a Glorious Future of millions displaced, dead and maimed whom our president called Hope & Change, the fake President Donald Trump returned from his meeting in Singapore with North Korea’s democratic leader Kim Il Un, blabbering something about “God Blesses the Peacemakers.”

“The meeting was a absolute disaster and a failure as everything this president does is a total failure,” wrote the New York Times.

After the president’s return Bill Clinton said, “The Iran Deal I made back in the nineties was sufficient and a good deal, the same good deal for America President Obama made. We don’t need to change it now. We need to prepare to attack Kim.”

“We don’t need no peace!” said Hillary Clinton, sitting next to Bill, and added, “Resist! Resist the peace, because with peace we cannot have war. With this president who stole the election, and it was my time I remind you, we no longer will have a war on anyone of our choosing. Not a war on women, not a war on seniors and children, not a war on gays, no more getting free Sandra Fluke condoms that cost $300 a month, not a war on misery, poverty and unemployment! What kind of world is this becoming I ask you?”

“With peace all we’ll get is a nation full of prosperous, content, generous and happy deplorables wearing MAGA baseball hats,” said CNN co-host Chelsea Clinton.   MORE HERE

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