Trump’s Ranking: ‘I’m the Most Presidential Except for Possibly Abe Lincoln When He Wore the Hat’ 🤣 – IOTW Report

Trump’s Ranking: ‘I’m the Most Presidential Except for Possibly Abe Lincoln When He Wore the Hat’ 🤣

‘Yeah, I have better hair than he did,” Trump responded. “But honest Abe was tough to beat.”

7 Comments on Trump’s Ranking: ‘I’m the Most Presidential Except for Possibly Abe Lincoln When He Wore the Hat’ 🤣

  1. I read this and think his comments are funny, off the cuff and relatable as a regular guy in a conversation just BS’ing with others.

    A leftist reads this and they go into a full rage snorting snot outta their nose and blood from their eyes and screaming at the sky that he’s Resident Trump and in no way the most presidential President.

    These two views are incompatible.

  2. I’m no scholar, but I think anyone with even a casual knowledge our 243 year history would have to admit that TRUMP IS the most consequential president we’ve ever had.
    God protect him, he is a hero. He has a genuine love for America, of that I have no doubt.

  3. One day one hundred years hence, the great wars are over and America is restored. The Persians again have been brought to heel, as have the Russians. The Chinese are all but gone from plagues of their own design.
    The Two Americas are rejoined in a somber ceremony as those present vow once again to eschew Civil War.
    They gather to begin a new Rushmore. Bigger, Higher, Grander; carved from the living rock across the valley from Rushmore.
    Construction on The Trumpstone has begun. Beside him will be carved a likeness of the great Ronald Reagan, a fitting companion to President Trump whom like the Great Mr. Reagan saw the great engines of prosperity laying untapped in the American people.


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