Trump’s Sons Just Officially Declared “War” On The Republican Party – IOTW Report

Trump’s Sons Just Officially Declared “War” On The Republican Party

Geller Report: The incompetent Republican Party establishment betrayed President Trump and his voters. In doing so they have turned the Republican Party into the Whig Party. As such, all of them must be primaried in 2022 and 2024. The Republican Party in it’s current state will never win a national election. And Team Trump must not start a new party. That will only split our vote. The way Ross Perot did in 1992. Just primary the fake Republicans. The voters are on our side. MORE HERE

56 Comments on Trump’s Sons Just Officially Declared “War” On The Republican Party

  1. “I changed my party affiliation from Republican to Independent before bed last night.”

    That’s good.

    I’ve never been either a Republican or a Democrat.

    Someone wants my vote, they have to earn it not assume it because I belong to their party.

  2. The Republican establishment has been dead to me since the days of Arlen Sphincter. They always want the base to support their candidates at election time and then turn around and dry shave them every time they get an opportunity. They reserve whatever political capital they have and use it only to support their own interests. They are absolute filth.

  3. Trump’s enemies are playing lethally and for keeps.
    If he doesn’t destroy Biden and his crime ring by releasing all evidence and using his Executive Order on election theft his sons will be silenced in jail or dead within a year.

  4. The RNC will be begging for those donations in your emails, text messages and mailbox soon enough.

    Help us Take Back Our Country! The urgency of the do nothing hucksters they are. Just like the NRA recently sending out solicitations with envelopes saying “Gun Confiscation Notice” on them.

    Neither party truly exists anymore. The Republican Party was dead man walking since 1992. Democrats since 2000 when Nader pulled enough to block Gore. Now they just superdelegate there way through with fraud against their own team and then nationally.

  5. Sorry, but the Trump brand devalued itself by 90% yesterday. Fire sale pricing on several properties is anticipated. Hotels and resorts might have to be sold or renamed.

    Poor young Barron now has the indelible smudge of his father’s name to carry the rest of his life. And Melania can forget about making the talk show circuit. The Trumps might consider taking up residence in Slovenia.

  6. This claim that the very fact that 4 states stopped counting ballots at the same time suggests a conspiracy is disputed

    The claim that their lying about when they would restart counting is prima facie evidence of fraud is also disputed

  7. What happened yesterday was not a disgrace, but everything else that has happened since Nov 3rd has been.

    Guiliani and Powell screeched for two months but have nothing. Most other Republicans squatted when they needed to stand up. So much for the GOP. Good bye.

    Now we have a weasel and a whore executive team. For the next 4 years, we’ll be China’s punching bag.

  8. Since there is obviously more than one “Anonymous” posting on here, maybe you guys could number yourselves Anonymous !, Anonymous 2,etc. so we can separate the idiot from the more rational.

  9. Matt Gaetz was the only one I saw who behaved like a real man yesterday.
    After Trump went to GA for Leoffler even though she has the personality of saran wrap, she stabbed him in the back as soon as she could.
    Bitch McConnell needs to go. I can watch him. He turns my stomach.
    Rand Paul is another one who is all talk and no action.
    To heck with them all.
    Their donations are going to tank.

  10. Registered Republicans and conservatives need to join, en mass, the Libertarian Party, take over the leadership and move the focus from weed and hookers to the historic goals of American conservatives. Just as the Whigs were replaced by the Republicans in the 19th century, the Republicans need to be replaced by a new party. Today’s Republican Party is simply thet looking scum floating in the swamp. We need a clean break from these people.

    Trump is simply the start. We need a party dedicated to fiscal sanity, avoidance of needless foreign wars, reduction of government intrusion and fair courts. The Libertarian party has the infrastructure. With new leadership it can meet these goals.

  11. MJA I’m going to do just that, and if my parent’s get anymore mailer’s at this address before I move, I’m going to send a message to the Repube’s for them too. 🤬

  12. From what I keep seeing, there is not going to be enough voters to hold a primary for Republicans.

    I still though can’t believe after we witnessed this year anyone thinks they can elect anyone not chosen.

  13. None of this matters until shotgun mail-ins ballots and computer voting are done away with. Also early voting and No-ID voting. We had free and fair elections for centuries without any of that shit. Voting is now a farce, and it’s going to get worse when it goes to the internet via social media. I don’t go to casinos, I don’t play the lottery, and now I guess I don’t vote.

  14. @ Thirdtwin JANUARY 7, 2021 AT 2:30 PM

    The actions of the establishment Republicans during the bold faced daylight theft of the 2004 Washington State gubernatorial election ensured that the base would never again trust the voting process. A significant number just opted out of Statewide elections and today the Goddamn Republican establishment cannot even hold what should be “safe” seats.

  15. The Republican Party in it’s current state will never win a national election.>/i>
    Current state? The Republican party in *any* state will never win another election as long as the Dims have Dominion over the voting process. See what I did there?

  16. The once Mighty Elephant has fallen, never to rise again. It’s move on time. For me it will be as either a Libertarian or independent.

    After 2020, the Year of Tyranny, Libertarianism may be the best option.

  17. What I heard was at this point we (especially the contested states) have to get in the grills of the state STATE legislators. Especially because they are mostly R’s, and have them re-do their election rules. Wisconsin and Georgia have already started. Call their asses every few days, like- “How’s it going? You getting shit done?” You can do it from home and it only takes 10 minutes. Are you shy? Trick one of your kids into doing it.
    No kids?
    You wanna be creative? Pick one legislator and send them a box of daisies. On the card, write: “Are you motherfuckers FRAUD-PROOFING the election system or not?!” I mean, yeah, the card is rude, but, DAISIES!!!

  18. @MJA

    It seems that there was enough evidence to at least make a charge of fraud and theft that several courts could have tried. You are right, nobody listened.

    The cheating democrats had the motive, means, and opportunity to carry out the biggest political crime in US history. The judges laughed. Collusion all around, and there is no consolation of any kind, except mass exodus from the Republican Party.

  19. TimBuktu- Yep. At the very least, the fact that they threw out the R watchers during the voting and during the count should have thrown the votes out or forced a re-vote. It’s their own state rules, FFS.

  20. Man, there are some real backstabbers in the Republican Party, starting with Lindsey Graham. He didn’t waste much time grabbing his dagger yesterday and plunging it into Trump’s back.

  21. Chief Justice Roberts started a civil war when he would not listen to arguments regarding states like Pennsylvania breaking all laws under the Federal Constitution and their own state constitution. Surely there must be a way to recall him for failure to do his job. Nobody asked him to overturn the election – just force the states to follow the Federal Constitution. He needs to go because he does his own agenda, and picks what questionable laws he’ll listen to, and which ones he won’t. He’s supposed to be unbiased, but it is apparent that he is another biased Democrat that was and is in for the fix. Let’s find a way to throw him out the way that he through out a fraudulent election. Even Alito saw what was wrong and should be the real Chief Justice for having the courage to stand up for what is right! Thank you Justice Alito!

  22. TimBuktu JANUARY 7, 2021 AT 3:46 PM
    The once Mighty Elephant has fallen, never to rise again. It’s move on time.


    My current read…

    Months of the Sun: Forty Years of Elephant Hunting in the Zambezi Valley Ian Nyschens

    Killed over a thousand elephants. We could use a man like that now. Only it needs to start with the donkeys as the smaller caliber would suffice with them.

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