Trump’s tax cut plans to revive flagging economy run into Democratic wall – IOTW Report

Trump’s tax cut plans to revive flagging economy run into Democratic wall

WaEx: President Trump is turning to the policies he believes worked the first time around, tax cuts and deregulation, to revive the robust economic climate that prevailed before the coronavirus. And in doing so, he is pivoting right into a brick wall of Democratic opposition that could stymie his effort or force him to make substantial concessions.

Some of the options on the table include tax incentives for companies to bring manufacturing back to the United States, making it easier for companies to write off business expenses and investments in new equipment, and a payroll tax holiday.

“No, it is not,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CNN when asked if a payroll tax holiday was acceptable to her. “Nobody’s putting anything on the table and saying, ‘Unless we have this, we’re not doing that,’” she continued, suggesting that money for state and local governments, direct stimulus payments to individuals, the Paycheck Protection Program, and unemployment benefits should all take precedence.

The election year further complicates any deal-making. “Pelosi wants this guy to die in a ditch,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, an advocacy group that takes a hard line against tax increases. Democrats say their proposals prioritize the coronavirus. “The key is testing, testing, testing,” Pelosi has said. They are portraying Trump as taking too long to respond to the pandemic and then moving too quickly to reopen the economy afterward. read more

24 Comments on Trump’s tax cut plans to revive flagging economy run into Democratic wall

  1. Here’s the problem with payroll tax holidays.
    First. You’ve got to be on somebody’s payroll. If you are not an employee this won’t help.

    Tax incentives to return manufacturing, meat production and processing, high tech, pharmaceuticals back to this country is mandatory.

    I won’t buy anything. ANYTHING. Made in China.

    I’ll gladly pay more to buy products from anywhere else.

    Now. Let me go to a restaurant/bar to order a burger and watch baseball.

    I am so sick of this.

  2. wtf is ‘testing, testing, testing’ gonna do?

    seriously! … this is a virus, like all viruses … you’re either going to get it, develop immunity or die. or you’re not going to get it, like the majority of the world … & eventually die from something else

    …. it’s like ….. SCIENCE …. & stuff

  3. “wtf is ‘testing, testing, testing’ gonna do?”
    Testing people’s patience,not much longer before this evil old bag gets strung up on a lamppost.

  4. Just was in a major citys’ largest hospital with my first heart attack. Expected stacked body bags in the halls. No. The damn place was a ghost town. Is the virus real? Sure. Are people dying from it? Yes. But after 5 days in ICU, I can tell you from experience somebody’s lying their ass off.

  5. First target? Smithfield foods that sold out to the Chinese.

    Second target? President James Earl Carter who tossed away our ownership of the Panama Canal, which America built. He gave it to Panama, who sold it to the Chinese.

    That’s a big problem.

    I’m seeing a pattern here.

    Fuck China and their democrat enablers. Plus the Bushes.

  6. Every day democRATz demonstrate that they indeed are the enemy. Not the only one, but the largest domestic one.
    They have openly stated, thru with their Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media on numerous occasions, that they want to see a recession in order to get rid of Donald Trump. For obvious reasons they want to see this disaster extended for as long as possible.
    China wants to see Donald Trump and Trump’s America destroyed and are working with Russia and Iran to accomplish that.
    We can’t directly vote-out China, Iran, Russia or the Media, but we have an chance to vote-out democRATz in November… and in doing so, send a Yuge message to the others! Don’t miss out on that opportunity! There is no better person than Donald Trump (and his policies and skills) to get us out of this mess that our enemies have put us in!

  7. Nasty Nance is “stalling, stalling, stalling”. She’ll do anything to sabotage President Trump’s plans to get the economy back to where it was in February 2020.

  8. Not sure what their motive may be but the liberal, democrat, commie ASSHOLES have been, relentlessly, pushing US to the limit.

    Do they want US to fire the first shot?

    Are they just testing our limits/patience?

    Do they have a death wish?

  9. When I was in the hospital 2 weeks ago for surgery to remove my toes I had a hospital room all to myself for 6 days. And I heard today that Sacred Heart Med. Center now wants to furlough nursing staff and other hospital workers because of . The low volume of patients. What gives? I don’t think this crisis was near as bad as they thought it would be after the initial outbreak.

  10. We’re not taking in enough revenue to cover our expenditures now, and we haven’t been for quite a while now. The gap has been getting worse every year as it is with no change no matter what we seem to do about it.

  11. jellybean May 6, 2020 at 9:47 pm

    > Yep, we can vote them out…..IF there is fair voting and counting.

    If there is fair voting and counting, from the list of loyal Party members the current regime approves for the ballot.

  12. @Anonymous May 7, 2020 at 1:26 am

    > The sedition in this country is epidemic. Is violence our only way out?

    How many other ways does The United Nations let people out of “their” United Nations’ duly recognized country?

  13. First of all…. @ Anonymous May 6, 2020 at 8:32 pm, congratulations on surviving your “first” heart attack! Do not wish you any more.
    Second of all… @ Geoff the aardvark May 6, 2020 at 9:55 pm,
    That frostbite is a bitch. Hope you are healing comfortably.
    And finally, THIS NAN SUCK!

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