Trump’s tax returns? I don’t GAF – IOTW Report

Trump’s tax returns? I don’t GAF

Patriot Retort: Let me just say for the record that I really don’t give a crap about President Trump’s tax returns. If you are using an accountant who doesn’t make full use of tax laws to ensure you pay the least possible amount in taxes, find a new accountant.

Trump’s tax returns matter to me about as much as a June Bug in July.

What bothers you more? The tax returns from a guy who didn’t spend his life in DC or how people who spend their lives in DC get so fabulously wealthy?

For many politicians, so-called public “service” is a get-rich-quick scheme.

Take Joe Biden. Dude has been in elected office for nearly a half century. And yet, according to his tax returns, Biden is a multi-millionaire.

As Julie Kelly pointed out last night on Twitter, in 2016, the Bidens earned $400K. But in 2017 and 2018, they made more than sixteen million dollars.

And that probably doesn’t include the tens of millions of dollars the Biden family has received through shady business deals in China, the Ukraine, and even Russia.

Then there’s Biden’s pal Barack Obama. more

11 Comments on Trump’s tax returns? I don’t GAF

  1. no, don’t GAF … I do GAF about Joke Biden & all those politicians that steal the taxpayer’s money & use it to enrich themselves … I want to see them tried by the same rules as we are & imprison or hang the guilty

    no justice, no peace …. motherphuckers!

  2. But you do realize the tax returns are a means to an end, yes?

    Bitched about to no end so they went after his attorney to get them in all likelihood. The SDNY promising to go on a fishing expedition through them to find something, anything to prosecute him over.

    You usually have the accusation of a crime to prompt an investigation. Preet Bharara is inverting that standard.

  3. As the memes say, I don’t need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant, I need to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires.

  4. For anyone who read that “The Week” lead story that Drudge has been pimping for the last 48 hours or so, it isfilled with lies, half truths and wild, completely unfounded speculation.

    If a Republican wrote it, Snooes would suffer a tongue sprain from their tut-tutting. Politifact would need to send their Truth-o-meter to the manufacturer for refurbishing after the needle got stuck in false.

    Its defamation with a masthead. Democrats need to start worrying less about Roe v Wade and more about NY Times v Sullivan.


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