Trump’s threat to cut aid over migrant caravan gets Honduras’ and Guatemala’s attention – IOTW Report

Trump’s threat to cut aid over migrant caravan gets Honduras’ and Guatemala’s attention

Amerian Thinker: That was quick.

President Trump’s vow to cut off all aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador if they don’t stop a 3,000-strong caravan of illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. has gotten the attention of at least some of those countries’ elites, who are moving to stop the caravan.  According to Reuters:

WASHINGTON/ESQUIPULAS, Guatemala (Reuters) – The organizer of a migrant caravan from Honduras was detained in Guatemala on Tuesday as the U.S. government threatened to withdraw aid from both countries and El Salvador if the flow of migrants north to the United States was not stopped.

Apparently, they believe him.  Someone must have been on the phone with the Palestinian Authority.

An incurious press has declined to report on who is financing the caravan or its leader who got detained, or why those migrants in the photos have such new-looking clothes, for that matter, but in the past, such caravans were bankrolled by George Soros-financed front groups and actually called the “Soros Express.”  MORE

13 Comments on Trump’s threat to cut aid over migrant caravan gets Honduras’ and Guatemala’s attention

  1. Do it. Stop them all without a medical and police report. Let them go through the process. Are we haveing to go through Polio and TB cases again.? What the fuck is the matter with you? Diseased immigrants and criminals are allowed to pass through our borders? Are you fucking Democrats mad?

  2. I don’t think these people are very bright. If they make it into mexico, greet them and put them on a train for the rest of the trip. They’ve been so brainwashed at this point, they will eagerly get on. Just make sure it is a south bound train. (please film it)

  3. This is financed by the cartels, they generate better margins than drug smuggling. The Mexican government looks the other way so as not to get beheaded.
    Trump should organize a new Peace Corps and send the lefty loons down to central america to build a new utopia with their wonderful ideas. When they go revoke their citizenship permanently.


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