TRUMP’S TWO-SCOOP PRIVILEGE! It’s worth bringing up again because the LSM is so, well, lame – IOTW Report

TRUMP’S TWO-SCOOP PRIVILEGE! It’s worth bringing up again because the LSM is so, well, lame

In case you missed it, CNN had a meltdown over President Trump getting 2 scoops of ice cream with his pie, when others got just one scoop.
ONE SCOOP, you guys.

Yes, CNN really did this story

19 Comments on TRUMP’S TWO-SCOOP PRIVILEGE! It’s worth bringing up again because the LSM is so, well, lame

  1. Hey he gets to also go home to Milania. Will they complain that they have to go home to a prog homly?

    What else can they complain about. Or what can they MAKE UP to complain about?

  2. Imagine the shame in serving (or recognizing) a preference to an individual’s taste in such a setting -Trump probably shouldn’t have gotten any pie, ice cream, or even a meal because we know the obamers always fasted when they had guests over so as to encourage feeding the hungry and food-insecure ebt card holders out there.

    Such a trivial picayune pass time the LSM is engaged in.

  3. He should have served them nothing and when asked,
    ask them why they didn’t make their reservations 24 hours
    ahead of time with the White House staff.


  4. My area supervisor was saying the other day he hoped he could make it through a Trump term as President. I told him to stop, everybody made it through Clinton, Bush and Obama and they will make it through Trump though. (Yes he is a full blown lib). So he asks if I watch the news everyday as they have nothing good to report. I said no, they choose not to report his good news, they nit pick everything he does.

    So I brought up that CNN had stooped so low about bringing up the 2 scoops of ice cream nonsense, I asked what’s next, they are going to report his toilet paper is two ply while the bathrooms for the press is only one ply? He thought I was joking until I said go look it up on Youtube. I said people need to stop hiding under their beds worried about what Trump is doing and get on with their lives. End of discussion.

    I’m not going to get fired for debating politics with my boss, no worries, he’s actually not a bad guy, just misguided on the politics. He spends more time talking football than anything, lol.

  5. I’m waiting to see what health problem Colbert ends up getting because of his apoplectic/frantic nightly Trump bashing.
    I left the tv channel on after the nightly local news and saw that since his d—holster remark, apparently Colbert has chosen to put the hammer down and turbocharge the pace and vigor of his ranting. No foaming around his mouth just yet.

  6. I saw a comment on another website that literally made me blow coffee out my nose but I don’t remember the site. With all credit to the original source, the comment said: “Ted Kennedy got four shots of Scotch and the other guests only got one. Mary Jo only got water…”

  7. There is nothing too flagrant, too egregious, that Democrat leaders can do to draw intense scrutiny by the Democrat Media Mafia.

    There is nothing too banal, too inconsequential, that President Trump can do for the Democrat Media Mafia to provide intense scrutiny.

  8. The press has completely derailed themselves, looking like fools regarding scoops of icecream. How many scoops of fecal matter does the MSM foist on America every day?

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