Trump’s VA Terminates 500, Suspends 200 For Misconduct – IOTW Report

Trump’s VA Terminates 500, Suspends 200 For Misconduct

DC: Five hundred and forty-eight Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employees have been terminated since President Donald Trump took office, indicating that his campaign pledge to clean up “probably the most incompetently run agency in the United States” by relentlessly putting his TV catch phrase “you’re fired” into action was more than just empty rhetoric.

Another 200 VA workers were suspended and 33 demoted, according to data newly published by the department as part of VA Secretary David Shulkin’s commitment to greater transparency. Those disciplined include 22 senior leaders, more than 70 nurses, 14 police officers, and 25 physicians.

Also disciplined were a program analyst dealing with the Government Accountability Office, which audits the department, a public affairs specialist, a chief of police and a chief of surgery.  more

19 Comments on Trump’s VA Terminates 500, Suspends 200 For Misconduct

  1. Thank you Mr. Trump. Dealing with the non-functionaries at the VA really suck on a usual basis. Their siege mentality (of “well we’re a really big service who doesn’t have enough resources” rings hollow most of the time because they never efficiently use and/or squander what they have because of course they are the gubermint.)

    There are very hard working and wonderful va employees who sparkle amongst career servers (2nd or 3rd pension wanters) who have one speed (and we always said one need (that big g-paycheck) everyday). It’s frustrating to see the ones who care being neutered by non-veterans who seem to hate veterans.

    Clean it up Mr. Trump (especially the foreign doctors who seem to want to kill our veterans off the battlefield.)

  2. Now do the same with ObamaCare and those who mandated it.

    Then, prosecute every damn last one of them for breaking their sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies (them) foreign and DOMESTIC.

  3. Can someone please explain to me why the VA needs its own police force? Every VA facility is located within an existing law enforcement jurisdiction. The only explanation I can think of, is they need to protect their criminal employees from prosecution. I know of at least one example at a local VA facility.

  4. That’s an average of 10 fired and 4 suspended per state. I hope these criminals are running to the media about the cruelty of PDT, and they learn first hand his an MSM news embargo works.

  5. V.A. is filled with spoiled “tenured” workers who treat people like garbage.

    However, I hope they get the right people fired, and not fire just for firing sake.

  6. Only six months into President Trumps (man I love saying that) administration and we are getting results.
    This proves that patience is worthwhile, the good news is rolling out.
    The good people have to get into their positions of power and investigate the specifics and get all the facts so that they can bring the correct charges that will stick.
    I know that a lot of commenters have complained about how slow Sessions as been.
    Let this VA news be an encouragement, the facts have to be determined.
    And after 8 yrs of burying the dirty deeds done dirt cheap it will take a bit of time to flush out all of the cockroaches.

  7. I would love to see a contingent of volunteer workers for agencies like the VA. There are undoubtedly Americans who would jump at the opportunity to serve our vets — to “give back” to them in a tangible way. And there must be qualified people — from doctors, nurses, administrators, to janitors — who are needed. Put volunteers through the same background checks, etc. and let them serve. It would be a great training ground for all kinds of student interns, too. I have a friend who, years ago, got his medical degree paid for by the Army. His residence was at a military hospital, but then he immediately set up private practice. The military could make a condition of footing the tuition, that recipients serve a tour of duty (2 years) in the VA.

    Trump should exploit his volunteer presidency and the volunteerism throughout his cabinet. Make an example of not going into politics or the gov’t in order to make money; expand the idea of gov’t service throughout gov’t in areas other than the military, and allow citizens to express their patriotism — like military members — in suitable ways.

    obummer and the Left does the same thing with City Year and other youth orgs that are paid for with tax dollars (so they aren’t really volunteer).

  8. Love starting out the week with great news like this. Thank you, President Trump, and all the hardworking men and women he’s appointed so far to clean up the swamp.


  9. “By the end of the Obama administration, however, Shulkin had grown increasingly frustrated with the American Federation of Government Employees union and other groups defending bad employees’ supposed right to a government check even when they hurt veterans.”

    A big part of the problem is the Unions. I see that they have two functions.
    1. Aggregate power through union member voting habits.
    2. Protect employees who would otherwise be terminated for mediocre performance.

    Eliminate ALL unions from Federal jobs.

  10. Amen on the union in federal jobs! However I do want to praise the VA clinic in north GA and all their workers there. I went in unannounced and they were extremely courteous and helpful. Could not do enough for me and the other “old redneck” vets in their care. Guess it depends on where you go and who you deal with, but these people were great. After hearing all the horror stories I was justifiably concerned, but was happily and gratefully pleased. Not all the apples in that barrel are rotten.

  11. WOW…that’s pretty much the best news of the week (and it’s only Monday!.

    Thank you President Trump and Secretary Shulkin! What a wonderful way to begin the ‘great drain’ and keep a PROMISE!!!

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