Trump’s Wall Would Protect Hundreds Of Miles Of Critical Habitat And Environmentalists Want To Stop It – IOTW Report

Trump’s Wall Would Protect Hundreds Of Miles Of Critical Habitat And Environmentalists Want To Stop It

Environmentalists are suing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for suspending environmental regulations in order to construct a border wall along the U.S. boundary with Mexico, despite evidence of “significant” environmental damage caused by illegal immigration.

The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) and Democrat Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, who sits on CBD’s advisory board, are calling the DHS waivers “unconstitutional” acts that represent “dangerous disregard for our environment.”

Trump’s Wall Would Protect Hundreds Of Miles Of Critical Habitat And Environmentalists Want To Stop It


10 Comments on Trump’s Wall Would Protect Hundreds Of Miles Of Critical Habitat And Environmentalists Want To Stop It

  1. Environmental Communism is the stop-gap for all they disagree with, and judge-shopping.

    NATIONAL SECURITY. President should just call out the military and build/defend the wall.

  2. Environmentalism is just another mask worn by the fanatical, manical, destructive Left. They care about the environment as much as the NAACP cares about advancing colored people; as much as PETA cares about animals; as much as Planned Parenthood cares about parenthood etc. etc, etc.

  3. TO Plantsman
    No, Environmentalists were NEVER about Nature; the Conservationists were.
    Environmentalists, as with Feminists, etc etc, are ONLY about State Power over the individual.

  4. The flies that land on the turds illegal aliens leave everywhere will have to fly at least 20 ft high to get over the wall! Separating some fly families, and causing disproportionate results in fly migration.
    This is a travesty.
    Now open borders will stabilize the fly population and is more in line with the natural order of things.

  5. Illegal aliens leave hundreds of thousands of tons of trash on the ground in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas on their way north, where they litter like they are still back in Mexico. They never seem to put their hands on a plastic bottle of water that doesn’t end up on the ground. Environmentalists should be forced to clean up after these bums. They would be begging for a wall if they had to deal with the trash left behind by these illegals.

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