Trump’s Welfare Ban for legal Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans – IOTW Report

Trump’s Welfare Ban for legal Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans



Breitbart: President Trump’s ban on allowing welfare-dependent legal immigrants to resettle permanently in the United States would likely save American taxpayers about $1,600 a year per immigrant.

As Breitbart News reported, the Trump administration is set to roll out a plan in the next month that bars foreign nationals who need government welfare in order to live from resettling in the U.S. Such a ban on welfare importation through immigration has been eyed by the Trump White House since February.

Such a plan would be a boon for American taxpayers, who currently spend about $57.4 billion a year on paying for the welfare, crime, and schooling costs of the country’s mass importation of 1.5 million new, mostly low skilled legal immigrants every year. In the last decade, the U.S. has imported more than 10 million foreign nationals and is on track to import the same amount in the coming decade if legal immigration controls are not implemented.

The National Academies of Science released a report two years ago, noting that state and local American taxpayers are billed about $1,600 each year per immigrant to pay for their welfare, where immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households.  read more

10 Comments on Trump’s Welfare Ban for legal Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

  1. Good. Now get rid of legal unions that operate solely on no-bid contracts for half the year and claim welfare for all its members when those contracts run dry for the other half.

  2. Talk about solving the problem of Somali gangs and all the unfair practices we’ve seen in Maine and other states in one fell swoop!
    They’d either have to work or leave.
    Catholic Charities would stop making millions off placing these people too.
    The “affordable” welfare housing companies like Avesta would stop buying up entire towns.
    WINNING! if he can get it done!!

  3. Now if we could only collect the hundreds of billions of dollars that foreign countries owe us for taking care of their millions of illegal invaders for the past 50 years!

  4. I have believed for a long time if the “Free Stuff” was cut off so would the flow of illegals coming to take advantage of it. Cut them off and revoke Anchor Babies and watch the numbers fall.

  5. Interestingly, this would put the US on par with Mexico. An American who wants to live in Mexico must have 1) $1500 in monthly income or 2) $200k in verifiable liquid financial assets. They are not eligible for any social programs. Mexico’s attitude is that gringos are welcome to live there but be prepared to support yourself.

    Also, they cannot own real estate within 50 miles of a border or the ocean…I think that’s the rule.


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