Trust Your Gut – IOTW Report

Trust Your Gut

GB News

Teen who died on Titanic sub ‘was terrified about trip but went to please dad’ claims devastated aunt.

The teenager who died on the Titanic tourist submarine was “terrified” before the submersible tragically imploded, his aunt has claimed.

Suleman Dawood, 19, was pronounced dead along with four other crewmembers shortly after debris was found in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Strathclyde University student was onboard the submersible with his 48-year-old father Shahzada.

Azmeh Dawood, Shahzada’s older sister, revealed her nephew “wasn’t very up for it” and felt “terrified”.

She also claimed he felt compelled to please his Titanic-obsessed father.

Azmeh added that the 19-year-old ended up boarding the Titan as the trip fell over Father’s Day weekend.

She told NBC News: “I am thinking of Suleman, who is 19, in there, just perhaps gasping for breath… It’s been crippling, to be honest.” more

29 Comments on Trust Your Gut

  1. Friends, time tested, sound, conservative practices are subordinated to “diversity” in Washington State. The culture within this OceanGate enterprise found a natural home in Everett Washington, where it would be a sin to even question their practices. It would not surprise me one bit if we don’t see photographs of the officers of this Charlie Foxtrot partying it up with State and federal politicians coming out in coming weeks.

    I was asked the other day if I had an opinion on the abilities of younger engineers. Well, funny you should ask – I’m of the opinion that the ones who actually got through a pretty rigorous curriculum on merit and value their integrity are pretty damn good engineers. The problem is with the absolute morons and degenerates that are above them in decision making positions.

    In the case of this outfit, the morons running the show vamoosed anyone whose opinion did not align with the woke culture and raised concerns. I mean, fuck me dead, it is a distinct possibility that the CEO still believes in the tooth fairy. This narcissistic shitbag’s philosophy is that if he believes it, it’s true.

    How anyone could be so negligent and irresponsible is beyond my comprehension. It’s obvious he has no experience with being told no. What I just simply can’t understand is what would motivate anyone to climb into that contraption in the first place. My God, on something like that there would need to be actual real world testing that ran into the hundreds of cycles or to failure before I would even consider it.

  2. LocoBlancoSaltine at 7:20 pm

    I wonder if this kid was greeted by Jack & Rose on the Grand Staircase?

    What? Too soon?

    If I’m reading my Bible correctly, anyone who denies Jesus, denies the father. Muslims don’t believe that Jesus is God. Father and son were Muslims. Their death was instant, no do overs, no repenting, it’s over. I’m convinced the kid wigged out and demanded to go back to the mother ship. He looked down at his cell phone and it was dead, that sent him over the top. Speculating here. I asked a 19 yo today about the scenario, and they agreed. A 19 yo is still immature. I can feel his fear.

  3. The hell. Are people really seriously asking about recovering bodies of the deceased? An implosion that happened at that kind of pressure differential. WTF are they expecting to find? This isn’t even reasonable.

  4. ” would need to be actual real world testing that ran into the hundreds of cycles or to failure before I would even consider it.”

    I’m right there with you pal. Except, excluding a Government grant, there’s no money for that in a commercial market. Which has nothing to do with engineering disciplines and not our problem. I dunno, maybe oversight in this bull shit isn’t such a bad idea. Put the coast guard in charge. Someone wrote about his experience in the Aerospace industry. My Ass. Unless maybe if he were in sales.

  5. I couldn’t take 7 paying passengers across the lake unless the boat was inspected every year by the coast guard and unless I had at least a U.S.C.G. 25 ton master’s license. I couldn’t fly my single seat airplane anywhere unless the airplane has been inspected by an FAA representative in the last year and I have been inspected.

  6. The next time the county popo stop me in their jetboat on the lake for an inspection for compliance with coast guard equipment mandates I’m going to pull out a mask and snorkel and claim I am operating a submirsable.

  7. Rush knew there would be cyclical failure in the walls after a dozen missions. His patented “acoustic warning” invention to alert the crew was not field tested. Plus, his claim that such an alert could give the crew time to abort the mission is absurd. At those depths, there wouldn’t even time for a shout of “W-T-F?”. The mission aborted alright.

    My nagging question is, “Why did HE choose to join the others?” Plus, “Is there video of each of them boarding the sub?”

  8. OK, Ann. Next month are folks going to claim the five were spotted as bystanders in the Boston July 4th Parade?

    BTW, your avatar has troubled me for the past two years.

  9. Just how many tons of pressure is there down that deep?
    Would this be something like putting you in a hydraulic press and squeezing you equally from all directions? 60 tons?
    No time to scream for sure.

  10. Is there a recording with continuity of the loading and sealing? Imploded on Sunday and the Hunter still skating by with the impossible deal, lab grown meaty stuff in restaurants, and another chunk of money passing through Ukraine

  11. Go to YouTube and watch a video of a railroad tank car that has a slight vacuum inside. It collapses instantly, and that’s just a slight pressure differential between the inside and the outside. At the depth of the Titanic, the pressure differential is thousands of times greater. The damage to human bodies would be the same as someone hugging a 2,000 pound bomb when it went off. They never knew what happened.

  12. Tony R,

    A part of that young kid went down to look after his dad. He may not have wanted to go down, but he probably figured (in youth that if SHTF he would be able to help his Idiot Father.

    My young fella comes on my first Mountain Bike ride of each year in case I Drop dead. I got a Good Kid, he has A screwy father. (me)


  13. Awful…

    Meanwhile, a lot of brouhaha over five guys who put themselves in harm’s way. How many people were involuntarily killed last week by criminals, drunk drivers. And hundreds of “refugees” went down last week in a boat off of Greece. Hardly made the news…

    Just a caution because this was deliberate media Das Boot morbid curiosity brouhaha designed to horrify and distract from political goings on.

    (Notwithstanding that it seems pretty clear at this point that it wasn’t that kind of situation but a microsecond implosion.)

  14. I’d like to know if they all got to eat their turkey sandwich, bag of chips and a bottle of water. Which guy used the porta potty? I think TSHTF. Still wrapping my head around arrogant rich people killing themselves. It did leave a mark. Puffed up arrogance, be careful what you wish for.

  15. Every military captain/admiral I’ve listened to said “You respect the sea, the minute you let your guard down, it claims you.”

    See the arrogance of thew ring leader?


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