Truth Hurts: DNC Expels Chairman Candidate From Race for Criticism of Islam – IOTW Report

Truth Hurts: DNC Expels Chairman Candidate From Race for Criticism of Islam

Breitbart: The Democratic National Committee expelled a candidate for the committee’s chairmanship on Tuesday after he said he didn’t believe his rival should become the party’s leader because of his Muslim faith.

Vincent Tolliver, who previously ran an unsuccessful campaign for Congress in Arkansas, told The Hill in an email he didn’t believe his rival Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn) should become chairman because of his Islamic faith, citing the religion’s positions on homosexuality.

“His being a Muslim is precisely why DNC voters should not vote for him. Muslims discriminate against gays. Islamic law is clear on the subject, and being gay is a direct violation of it. In some Muslim countries, being gay is a crime punishable by death,” Tolliver wrote.

“Clearly, Mr. Ellison is not the person to lead the DNC or any other organization committed to not discriminating based on gender identity or sexual orientation. I’m shocked [the Human Rights Campaign] has been silent on the issue. A vote for Representative Ellison by any member of the DNC would be divisive and unconscionable, not to mention counterproductive to the immediate and necessary steps of rebuilding the Democratic Party,” he continued.

Having participated in a forum for potential DNC Chair candidates on Saturday, Tolliver has now been expelled from the race by interim chair Donna Brazile, who described his comments as “disgusting.”  more here

13 Comments on Truth Hurts: DNC Expels Chairman Candidate From Race for Criticism of Islam

  1. Democrats:
    – It’s okay to attack the white folks, who are a privileged and all. We won’t expel you from this DNC leadership race.
    – It’s NOT okay to point out how there is a whole faction that believes gays should be punished, and that woman do not have equal rights. Point that out, and you are expelled from the DNC leadership race.

  2. Democrats are on the endangered species list, and their comeback plan is to throw out one of their own who thinks they shouldn’t pick a Muslim as their poster-boy, because Muslims aren’t supposed to kiss homo butt. I almost feel sorry for them. And, now I don’t. Boy, that was close.

  3. Hooray. I’m rooting for our DNC enemies to pick Ellison.

    He’ll lead them right off the cliff. They will officially become the Nation of Islam party, with a smattering of Angry Young Black Women.

    As Montgomery Burns would say:

    “Exxxxxcellent, Smithers”.

  4. The Democrats created and fed the political correctness and anti-white monster that is now kicking them out of the Democrat party.

    Their own pets have deplatformed the party elites – who have nowhere to go. Those party elites saw themselves as the ringmasters of the diversity circus forever, but the various components of the diversity circus vote for their own group when they are able, and not for those party elites.

    They were even warned this would happen.

    It would be hilarious, if we weren’t going to have to clean up the mess they made.

  5. never vote for or elect a muzzie to any political post in this country. they sneak in as moderate first and then they come out as true Muslim with their Sharia laws and then take over whole towns… piss be upon them all… 🙁

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