Truth is Irrelevant! Dissecting Postmodernism – IOTW Report

Truth is Irrelevant! Dissecting Postmodernism


It’s not that the radical left is merely wrong; it’s that they don’t believe in absolute truth as a concept. Taking a page out of their book, let’s “deconstruct” the postmodern and marxist view on truth and reality.

11 Comments on Truth is Irrelevant! Dissecting Postmodernism

  1. The left is extremely effective at exploiting human nature of the naive {desire to fit in, and to delude themselves into thinking they’re helping others}.
    The same human nature is why their schemes can never have a lasting effect, it’s called self interest.

  2. The real danger of the truth “discussion” is that those wanting to “make” truth triumph over those who “live” it.

    Denying truth began when the first angel denied God’s will and rebelled. Also remember that the serpent (probably a type of angel who took up a deceptive form) said to Eve, “Did God really say…?”

  3. Anyone can see that this will lead to re-education/death camps for the non-believers, or at least that’s what they want. Time to let a few blue states secede to avoid their attempt. Let them stew and starve in their own post-modernism.

  4. I find videos of someone essentially reading an essay annoying. Write an article. I can read it much faster than the 8 minutes this guy took to drone on in a monotone, insomnia curing voice.

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