Tsunami Warning For Australia – IOTW Report

Tsunami Warning For Australia

Powerful undersea earthquakeโ€ฆ Developing

12 Comments on Tsunami Warning For Australia

  1. Developing 3 foot waves….. really? That would be considered bad……… in my bathtub.

  2. Two Aussie surfers, Mick and Croc.

    Mick: OOOWWW…Oi, Croc, a bloody Grait Wyite Shaak just bit off me fucking bloody roight laig…

    Croc: No worries Mick…Oi’ve got the bloody fucking thing roight ‘ere maite. The bloody shaak spit it out…didn’t loik yer’ flaivor, maite. Keep surfin’, we’ll stitch the fucking thing back on ya when we go ashore.

    Mick: Aw-roight maite. Good on ya’. Just don’t lose me fucking bloody laig now.

  3. Two Aussie surfers, Mick and Croc.

    Croc: Ai Mick, thes a grait big waive comin’ in.

    Mick: Yea Croc, I see it…we outta roid the fuckin’ thing in…ows’ about it maite?

    Croc… sounds aw-roit, let’s do her…I reckon the thing is two hundred feet hoi…

    Mick…yea…see ya back on shore, maite.

    Croc and Mick were never seen again.

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