Tuberville refers ex-CIA director to Capitol Police over post he says called for his ‘assassination’ – IOTW Report

Tuberville refers ex-CIA director to Capitol Police over post he says called for his ‘assassination’

JTN: Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville on Tuesday announced that he had referred former CIA Director Michael Hayden to Capitol Police over an X post he made seemingly calling for the lawmaker’s death.

Hayden on Monday responded to a post that read “Should Tommy Tuberville be removed from his committee? Yes or No?” to which Hayden quipped “How about the human race?”

Commentors on Hayden’s post widely interpreted the statement as a call for the Republican’s assassination, as did Tuberville himself. The senator on Tuesday released a statement confirming he had referred Hayden to Capitol Police.

“This morning my office was made aware of a statement made by General Michael Hayden calling for a politically motivated assassination,” he said. “This statement is disgusting and it is repugnant to everything we believe in as Americans. Given General Hayden’s long career in Washington, he must have known that, by making such a statement, he was committing a serious crime.” more here

15 Comments on Tuberville refers ex-CIA director to Capitol Police over post he says called for his ‘assassination’

  1. Nothing will happen to him, he’ll just say it was a joke, nothing nefarious. The Roman’s plotted assassinations when warranted, and they carried them out, no joking around.

  2. Hayden is the poster boy for mental deterioration resulting from malignant TDS. In fact, addendums will be added to all psychiatry textbooks in the future studying this rare malady, brought on by an abnormal manic hatred of one man. Symptoms vary; depression, hallucinations, anxiety, and bipolar episodes where reason and logic are subverted for delusions and psychotic outbursts.

    Hayden was always a creep and a subverter of The Constitution, creating the mass surveillance data centers for the purposes of spying on US citizens. He pushed Russia-collusion hoax, called for prison time for anyone spreading “dis-information” on Covid, and was one of the fifty-one dumbasses that signed that letter saying Hunter’s laptop was a Russian head fake.

    I like Tubberville and gets attaboys whenever he makes lib lives miserable.

  3. He is a total POS, Tubervile should be hung from the highest tree, our Military has no leadership because of this MOTHERFUCKEUR. Trip down steps, next time his neck, goodbye ahole.

  4. Shut all America down. Think about that for one moment. To burst your bubble, the INDICTMENTS go on. Oh my. Trump, will be brought to justice. YES! the wheels keep turning, what a kick in the pants!

  5. any d-sucker on this site, chuck scum-er could have approved his woketard dindu assholes one-by-one, but expected the senate to suck all the dicks at one time – wanted to save his punk ass some time. probably sucking hamas dick right now.

  6. The Capital Police are just another wing of the American Communist Party nee Demonrats thug squad. They won’t do a damn thing about this. Except maybe try to accommodate Hayden and knock off Tuberville.

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