Tucker breaks down the contenders to be Joe Biden’s running mate – IOTW Report

Tucker breaks down the contenders to be Joe Biden’s running mate

SNIP: I bet he picks DOCTOR Jill Biden.

18 Comments on Tucker breaks down the contenders to be Joe Biden’s running mate

  1. @MJA – been saying it’s gonna be her for WEEKS now here at iOTW, maybe a couple of months, I’m loosing track of the time…

    There is NO other person to drag him personally across the ‘finish line’, other than his ‘loving selfish wife’.

    Any other VP pic, would have to stand next to him, cringing all the way? At the same time, without looking like they really are the ones who SHOULD be president and not him.

    Oh, my bad, turns out that’s Jill!


  2. Ghost,

    Thats like a mirrored image of mikahh and jodie and mike ‘Uncle moneyBills’ barnicles wife, Mirrored because the money flows in the same directions, not reversed.


    Days and Nights of Bankings in and of ATMAmericas

  3. He will pick a black female, in order to get the voter fraud machine going full blast. Blacks are the primary source of voter fraud. Do a search on youtube and see them brag about it.

  4. Death_By_Farts: Painfully, I think you are right on all counts. They must have a black vagina on the ticket. Her abilities, competency, intelligence, experience, and integrity are not elements they are concerned with; just skin pigmentation and genitalia. Biden has already promised the sex of the candidate so clearly that is the highest priority. Female Democrats should be insulted, but they are too stupid and addicted to murder by abortion to care if they are pawns.

    Voter fraud will be cranked up to ELEVEN. Use of ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, motor voter auto registration, same day voter registration, and no ID verification are what they depend on to cheat.

  5. I remember in the sixties my uncle having cases of half pint whiskey in his trunk on election days. He would drive blacks to the poll to vote and then they would get a half. Blacks are easy to buy with the promise of free things.

  6. Ain’t none of them worth the doggie-do scraped off the bottom of our shoes. I’ve seen more intelligence in the fish tank at the local Asian restaurant.

  7. Meanwhile back on the game show circuit, Jackass Joe’s been working on this Wheel Of Misfortune puzzle for the past 12 years:
    G_ F_CK Y__RS_LF

    Wanna buy a vowel Joe?
    C’mon man! How ’bout a C Chuck!
    Sorry again Joe, but yer almost there…

  8. I’m sorry, but Uncle Joe is not going to pick anyone for a running mate because he’s not going to be the nominee. It’s Moochell’s if she wants it, if not then it will be Hellerys. Book it.

  9. As Don said, Tucker is wrong. The donors and other people Tucker listed at the beginning are not going to get together to decide who they want to be their Vice Presidential nominee. They will be deciding who they want to be their Presidential nominee.

  10. Just like 0bama did……

    Creepy Uncle Joe needs to pick a Vice-President so bad…..

    that no one would dare assassinate him, Article 25 him, and/or criminally investigated him……worked for 0bama.


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