Tucker Carlson airs new video of Kyle Rittenhouse and the Kenosha shooting – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson airs new video of Kyle Rittenhouse and the Kenosha shooting

Tucker Carlson aired new footage of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse that detailed his actions from the day of the shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

6 Comments on Tucker Carlson airs new video of Kyle Rittenhouse and the Kenosha shooting

  1. MMinAR,
    “When we lose the legal ability to defend ourselves, what’s next?”

    Forming a group with your neighbors and other like-minded citizens, and rooftop sniping.
    “who shot you?”
    “who are we gonna arrest and charge?”

  2. MMinAR – How is he being charged? The same way George Zimmerman was charged. The same way those two white guys got charged for shooting ‘the innocent jogger’ who was out robbing houses. Same way that the McCloskeys were charged for protecting their home.

    If you are a conservative, or act in a conservative manner, you will be charged for defending yourself, by some prosecutor looking to make a name for himself or herself. Because it’s easier to pick on some innocent than it is to pick on an actual, guilty criminal.


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