Tucker Carlson: American Citizen Who Criticized Bribery Biden and Zelensky Dies in Ukrainian Prison – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: American Citizen Who Criticized Bribery Biden and Zelensky Dies in Ukrainian Prison

Gonzalo Lira was being tortured in a Ukrainian prison and has now died, according to Tucker Carlson.

And then there’s this, from December:
An Egyptian investigative journalist who exposed the acquisition of a luxury villa by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksyy’s mother-in-law in El-Gouna has been found dead.

8 Comments on Tucker Carlson: American Citizen Who Criticized Bribery Biden and Zelensky Dies in Ukrainian Prison

  1. Moved to the Ukraine & was married there. Bad mistake! If he believed & supported Putin should of moved to Russia. But Vlad would never ever lock Russian dissidents, or send them to die in Siberia.

  2. Chris Wray and Merrick Garland started fingering each others’ assholes a bit quicker when they read about this.

    Biden is drooling with envy … well, actually … he’s just drooling.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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