Tucker Carlson: Asking obvious questions is forbidden – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: Asking obvious questions is forbidden

Fox News host Tucker Carlson takes on the outrage to mere questions about possible U.S. involvement in the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson: Asking obvious questions is forbidden

  1. First Amendment? We don’t need no stinking first amendment!

    Not that they even know what’s in the first amendment.
    Maybe people should have to take a simple citizenship test in order to vote.

  2. I think it’s worse than that. As of yesterday, asking the obvious question can cause our intelligence community to track everything you do. And if the UN is not satisfied with the results they can step in. All that from an EO Biden’s puppet masters had him sign.

  3. Are they not aware that they can change the channel?
    Are they not aware that there is an OFF switch?
    Is one man really that much of a threat?

    Hint: It’s the big Truth bomb they’re really afraid of. Tucker’s just flying the plane. You know he’s over the target by the amount of flak he’s getting and If there wasn’t any substance to what he’s saying they wouldn’t be paying this much attention to him! Leftists are bad poker players, but hey thanks for bumping up Tucker’s creds!!

  4. BTW – Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we all see Russia, Russia, Russia and Russian Propaganda used as a, now disproven tool, to attack Donald Trump with?
    Any time I hear “Russian Propaganda” from THESE people I think about that!
    They are the Leftist little boy that has cried “Wolf” too many times! Russian Propaganda has become their tool of choice in situations like this and in doing so have become proverbial “monkey with a hand grenade” bouncing around channel to channel saying “Russian Propaganda” too many times!

  5. We can no longer claim the mantle of “the good guys”, as our government has been taken over by the same wonderful folks who managed to put Joe Biden in charge. Just so we’re clear, the United States has been stirring up shit around the planet for decades. Things will not end well if we maintain our present course.


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