Tucker Carlson blasts ‘hysterical and aggressive’ elites following Fox departure – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson blasts ‘hysterical and aggressive’ elites following Fox departure

JTN: Tucker Carlson on Wednesday published a video reflecting on the way the media covers major issues in the wake of his departure from Fox News.

The network announced that Carlson’s final episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was last Friday. He had hosted the network’s top-rated program and the company suffered a marked decline in both ratings and valuation in the aftermath of the announcement.

In a short video published on Twitter, Carlson sounded an optimistic tone, saying “One of the first things you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how many genuinely nice people there are in this country, kind and decent people, who really care about what’s true and a bunch of hilarious people also.”

“The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are,” he continued. “They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years, we won’t even remember that we had them.”

“At the same time… the undeniably big topics… get virtually no discussion at all,” he lamented. “War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources, when was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?” more

14 Comments on Tucker Carlson blasts ‘hysterical and aggressive’ elites following Fox departure

  1. RE: “. .the undeniably big topics . . get virtually no discussion at all”

    So true. For example:
    Rogue evil operators are actively working to import 25+ Thousand migrants from the Sudan in the midst of that war. This follows the same group importing multiple thousands of Ukrainians and preceeding that 76+ Thousand Afghani migrants. All were paid for and assisted by NGO 501c3 organizations funded and promoted by Afri Con Bankers in America and 6 out of 6 Banker Media Corporations that own every media souce in America in one way or another.


  2. GO CARLSON GO! Us Ronny folk have been saying that for 40 years! It’s true when the leftist
    Bush ran CIA and still true in2023!
    Ronny men called ’em UNIPARTY 50 years ago. But as Bill said 600 years ago. “a rose by any other name…” So I can live with calling GWB and his BFFs “Elite”!



  3. Spring Thaw at 10:43 am

    B R E A K I N G

    Jerry Spring DEAD at 79

    Another One back to the Chain Gang.
    He was a TURD.

    I read where he was born in a railway station during WWII. His parents were German Jews and fled to America when Jerry was 5. He had an audience like so many celebrities who had a niche on TV. My SIL loved watching him, he had an audience. He wouldn’t have lasted if he didn’t have an audience. I dunno, Tucker had an audience and look what happened to him. Butt Lite had an audience and look what happened to them. Some for the good and some for the bad. Good triumphs over evil. We may not like the process, but in the end good wins.

  4. Good for him to not give up and carry on. He’s got a fantastic future ahead of him. Haven’t been a fan of Tucker Carlson, but I highly respect his efforts to make truth a priority and a strategy to beat back socialism.
    BTW, very certain Carlson has been prepared for FOX Network to eventually betray him for sometime now. He seems relieved and happy he’s finally no longer confined by their leftist restrictions.

  5. Those elites are nothing more than the white trash white privilege lowlies such as Joe Biden, infecting this nation. They hide cowardly behind each other and within crowds while using minorities as their personal weapons and arsenal.

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