Tucker Carlson Blasts Polls And Polarization On Election Night – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Blasts Polls And Polarization On Election Night


Fox News’ Tucker Carlson blasted pollsters Tuesday, the only clear losers on election night after results defied the prophesy of a Democratic blowout as they did four years ago.

After Carlson questioned Fox for calling Arizona for Biden, despite Republicans objecting as an estimated million votes have yet to be tallied, he condemned pollsters for once again making projections so wildly at odds with reality. more

6 Comments on Tucker Carlson Blasts Polls And Polarization On Election Night

  1. As predicted they are going for the steal, using corrupt Philadelphia who has magically delayed the mail in count long enough to evaluate the number of untallied ballots to give win.

    Dirty bastards…. unfortunately for them that means a 75% solution of remaining ballots to win, but they will find them.

  2. How can Michigan and Pennsylvania just STOP counting at like 65% with Trump ahead? CLEARLY ALL COORDINATED including SOCIAL MEDIA…hell even including FOX NEWS!
    Time for Tucker, Laura, Jeanine, Dobbs,Hannity to LEAVE and FORM THEIR OWN NEWS NETWORK!


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