Tucker Carlson Blows Up Pelosi’s Jan 6th Narrative With Security Footage – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Blows Up Pelosi’s Jan 6th Narrative With Security Footage

Salty Cracker has the deets.

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson Blows Up Pelosi’s Jan 6th Narrative With Security Footage

  1. Everyone of these Jackboot demoncRATz who voted in lock-step unity with Pelosi (which is pretty much ALL of them) needs this spotlight trained on them as well! They are what gave her the power that she had!!!
    It gives me a warm, runny feeling to think that they are still crawling around untouched!

  2. Neo Commie Dick Cheney hated conservatives – Ronny in particular* – ; so that his girl lies to falsely jail conservatives should be no shock! It in the Cheney leftist blood!
    As Nanie said, ” Blood will tell.”!
    * for those <70 Dick vote with the far left against Ronny many times eg 1986 tax reform. If "Uncle Joe" was conservative the Dick is.

  3. Clearly DOJ shows exactly their level of weaponization of the FBI, ATF and the DOJ.
    Merrick Garland should most certainly be impeached by the House, even knowing the democrats in the senate would block the impeachment.
    All citizens should be aware of the illegal action of the DOJ, ATF, FBI, Capitol Police, Nancy Pelosi, etc. and run it on National TV for the same length as the Pelosi’s kangaroo court for the J6 activities.

  4. @Tim – The morning mainstream media is all over it with selective editing. They’re not going to admit facts without a fight.
    Especially NBC Today Lies

  5. How can they selectively edit the video to show the shaman walking around with officers who are doing nothing to him except, perhaps, help him? It wasn’t just one clip, it was a number of clips over a period of time.

    Yeah, they know about selective editing.

  6. The January 6th defendants must have the worst lawyers ever. Especially if the lawyers don’t start filing all sorts of documents to get the indictments thrown out or convictions overturned.


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