Tucker Carlson Discusses Consequences of OPEC+ Cuts to Oil Production – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Discusses Consequences of OPEC+ Cuts to Oil Production

CTH: According to inside media sources, Saudi Arabia was under the impression the Biden administration was going to begin refilling the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve two months ago. However, the Biden administration made no efforts to do that.  As a consequence, Saudi Arabia and OPEC+ which includes Russia, decided to cut production in line with diminished global energy needs as a result of a slower global economy. {Background Here}

Tucker Carlson outlines the ramifications of increased oil costs on the American electorate {Direct Rumble Link} while his guest Brian Brenberg from Fox Business News, accurately points out that Joe Biden wants to keep energy prices high to support his climate change policy initiatives.  more

3 Comments on Tucker Carlson Discusses Consequences of OPEC+ Cuts to Oil Production

  1. Joey Bullshit needs to be culled like a racoon cub that keeps breaking into the chicken coop. You can’t fix stupid, or liar, and dispatching him harshly would send the right message to his Geppetos.

    For national security alone, all US oil and gas production should be going at 200%. Plus the asshole is starting wars all over the globe, plus Urope is already showing him that defying Physics for unicorn farts (chief thief Kerry’s legacy) leads to the pronounced suffering God intended for the lazily stupid.

  2. Damnit,
    “his Geppetos.”
    Well said! Consider it stolen to wherever I can fit it into a conversation.


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